Utah "stiffs" Rogen's movie

"If you're looking forward to seeing Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks in director Kevin Smith's new R-rated comedy "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" this weekend and you live in Salt Lake City, you might be out of luck. Utah Jazz and Megaplex Theaters owner Larry Miller has refused to book the film."

This in only in LHM theaters, I'm sure someone else will show it. The nerve of that guy, having standards that he keeps up in his business practices!
Good for him. Isnt there enough garbage out there already.

His theatres, free market. If he can stand by his values and still make money good for him.
I guess he prefers blood n guts to a nice piece...
Lots of sticks in the mud up there I guess.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-08 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]I wonder how many who are opposing the movie have actually seen it? (That's rhetorical.... no need to answer... ;-) ). Good for Larry to not show the movie I suppose, as he is the proprietor and can make his own business decisions.

It will be shown somewhere though, so those parents that are worried about their kids seeing it will have to actually 'parent' and keep their kids from it if they don't want them to see it. Kind of like the internet, playboy mags at the convenience store, videos for rent, etc., etc.... Whether one business owner bans it or not, it will be seen somewhere by someone.....

I don't think I'll go to a theatre to see it, but I'll likely catch it on cable when it shows. Seems like a pretty funny premise for a movie to me!!! :D :D


PS / edit: Here's a link to the story from Yahoo: http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/zackandmiri_blog.html Interesting point about the level of nudity, etc. in this movie compared to other shows that Miller has shown in his theatres.... Also good point about violence (Saw V) being shown in his theatres... Seems he fears the word 'porno'! Yikes!!! ;-)
I don't know why people are worried about this. It is his movie theater he can choose what to show and what not to show in it.
Kind of like the forums...some things get nuked and some dont. Go figure, but it's still a free country. More power to em :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
The irony here is those that are judging Miller, over his choice of what's acceptable to show in his theaters, are just as guilty of pushing their moral code onto others as he is.

If you want to see the movie, go to a different theater. No one is stopping you.

Or, you can buy/build your own theater and show the movie as much as you like. No one is stopping you...

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