Utah rocky pics?

Here they are. Awesome ram. Let's hear the story.




Thanks for posting these up for me. it's sort of a short story of a long hunt.
My dad hunted twenty straight days, and passed up over fifty rams. due to a late deer hunt in Idaho, I made it to Price, Ut.
for the twenty first day of the hunt. My dad had passed up 2 rams that he thought were bigger, one he guessed would score 178 to 180 range, but did not feel good about the shot, and another that was brommed way off to about 30".

He had hunted this spot a couple days earlier, and only seen 4 ewes, we almost just passed this spot, but decided to spend a few minutes glassing. I took the north side of the finger ridge, and he took the south. As soon as I looked off the ridge I spotted the 4 ewes, and a 3 or 4 year old ram, a couple minutes later a 5 or 6 year old ram pushing a ewe came around the point. The ram he ended up taking was bedded below us under a cliff out of sight, and when he saw the smaller ram pushing the ewe, he got up and walked down and kicked the smaller ram a couple of times. As soon as I saw the bigger ram I went over and got Dave. We set up the spotting scope, and after one look he decided this was a shooter. I got my video camera set up, but wanted to watch the shot through the scope just in case.
the ram kept moving, so I was back and forth from the scope to the camera for a couple seconds. Once Dave was ready I had the ram in the scope, but knew he had moved in the camera, so I just told him to shoot. At the shot the ram dropped and rolled down the hill about twenty yards, and came to rest. we thought he would score in the mid to upper 170's. We guessed he had 16" bases, and was about 34" long, but he only had 15-1/4" bases, making the other 1/4 meassurements about 3/4" smaller. he ended up scoring 170" plus change. He now has his sights set on a dall and stone, having taken both his desert and rocky in Utah exactly twenty yeard apart.

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