Utah Rockies-Max points



What are the max points for Utah Rocky Mtn Bighorns for NR's? I have 4 points and am wondering if there is even a chance that I will draw the tag.
I searched some old post and found some points info. There are 340 NR's with 4 pts for Rockies and around 10-12 that have more points than that. Looks good for the future.
Four points is the most that can be held by a NR, who began applying four years ago when Utah first announced its intention of issuing a NR tag. Following the 2006 draw, there are 341 NR applicants with four points.

There are twenty NR's with more than four points, including two with twelve points. These are all former Utah residents, who accummulated their points as residents, but who subsequently moved away from Utah, taking their points with them.

IMO, unless Utah substantially increases its NR Rocky allocation, the odds of your drawing a permit in your lifetime are no better than lottery type odds. The maximum number of points that a Utah resident can have is fourteen, and there will probably be a never ending stream of Utah residents transferring into the NR draw by moving out of state. I'm not saying that a person would leave Utah simply to beat the permit draw system... it will just happen, because people move around, and the Utah system allows a departing resident to take their points with them when they leave.

One or two NR Rocky permits a year in Utah... and you likely will never draw. But if the herds keep growing, and Utah ever gets up to issuing say, ten NR permits a year, then... you might stand a chance.

Good luck.
I see your point about the continueing residents who move away. I am counting on a few more tags being available in the future. It looks like Utah is doing a good job of expanding the herd.
As always HT os right on the money, but it is possible to have 5 points, I know because the year BEFORE they issued the first NR tag I debated getting a point, but went for goat, big mistake. I have 4 points now but could have had 5. I am willing to get there are over 1000 apps for this tag. Many with points. Like HT said I bet there will ALWAYS be NR who were residents who moved out to pull max pnts tags if they ever issue any. Not to mention you better believe if there is ever a NR max pnts tag a few max pnts res. might get the idea to claim they are NR to draw the tag.

I hope that in 30 years I will be at max pnts regardless and be able to get a tag.
DonV makes a point that seems to be overlooked here.

Utah only gives preference to "max points holders" when more than one tag is issued for any particular unit. That means that as long as there is only one NR permit issued where you apply, those with max points don't have a whole lot more chances than the 4 or 5 point pool.
As an example, this past year Utah opened up a new California Bighorn hunt on the Newfoundland Mountain. Although, there were people with max points applying, that California tag was drawn by someone with NO points.
So Warren, until Utah starts issuing 2 or more NR tags per unit, your odds are about as good as anyone in drawing.
Good luck!

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