Utah Road Kill #’s ?


Long Time Member
This article is SOOOO underestimated..,. They don’t want to post the real # for fear of sportsman outrage for lack of game fences amongst all the conservation money..,.


That Must Mean The Number Of People That Got Their Vehicles Totaled & They're Only Counting Major Insurance Claims!

Number of Tags To Be Sold on The Rise again & Number Of Deer Numbers Down Again!

And Alot Of People Will SUCK This BS In!
I've seen almost 30 deer and elk this winter within a mile of my house that got thumped. I don't know what the statewide number is, probably 4,000-8,000 based on past studies that looked at how many deer get hit versus how many get picked up. It might be a tighter range now that the public can report them on the roadkill app.

This winter, more will die from starvation than on the roads. They are tipping over right and left about 100 yards off the roads. I saw a rancher walk up to a calf elk the other day with a bale of hay. The elk was so exhausted it couldn't stand up. It ate the hay and moved on a few days later.

My guess is that the wildlife board will cut permits by up to 15% statewide for deer. I'm glad we don't have to apply before the recommendations get published. I doubt they cut elk permits.
That's just one of the problems with giving special interest groups conservation money. They get to decide what they want to do.

Imagine, if the DWR had that pile of money, and the WB could dictate fencing.

I mean, pheasants are fun to hunt and all
The elk will be fine. I doubt we see any higher winter kill with elk than normal. As long as they stay off the roads all over and out of the poisonous plants in peoples yards in Mapleton, elk will be just fine.

The deer, in my very finite thinking, would seem to be in trouble. All this snow would make me think we’re going to see a big winter kill, much higher than the last several years when they had much more mild winters. That said, I heard from someone that studies these things professionally that I trust that the deer across the state are fairing quite well. There are some isolated areas where there are going to be issues, and they’ll likely see higher than normal winter kill, but most of the state I’m told the deer are holding up quite well to this winter.

Last week I was out looking at some animals and saw a lot of elk that all looked great. They had about 20 deer near them and they, for the most part, looked to be in fantastic shape. There was one exception. One deer close to this group looked to be on death’s doorstep. It was a hobbled, disheveled mess. I’d be surprised if it was still alive almost a week later now, but deer can be resilient.

I travel around Utah quite a bit on roads that see high numbers of roadkill throughout the year. I haven’t noticed an abnormally high amount of roadkill in most places. There is a lot of animals, but we always see a lot of roadkill this time of year. I will say that from Moroni to Fountain Green had a really high number. I don’t travel that road a lot, but it seemed abnormally high to me on that one short stretch.

I’m guessing we’ll be told deer numbers are okay, and tag numbers won’t be cut a ton. There will be outcry from the usual suspects about how dumb the DWR is and how we shouldn’t be hunting these deer. And then all those same people will apply, draw tags, and go hunt. So pretty much status quo for every other year.
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That’s a bummer for you guys. At the very least they should have a roadkill program.

Up here you can get in trouble for not reporting hitting an animal. They have a program that will actually deliver the road kill to your house too.
That’s a bummer for you guys. At the very least they should have a roadkill program.

Up here you can get in trouble for not reporting hitting an animal. They have a program that will actually deliver the road kill to your house too.
There’s thousands of homeless here In little Seattle, er I mean Salt Lake they could feed with the meat at least…
Took a ride yesterday up through Huntsville, up over Trappers to 84, down through Coalville, Kamas and Heber. Lots of roadkill and deer and elk hanging right next to the road. I didn’t see any deer with ribs showing but they weren’t heavy by any means. The elk looked fine.
One thing I did notice was I must have been the only one on the freeway that saw the 60 mph posted signs. Stupid f****r’s flying by deer just off the pavement at 80 miles an hour. No wonder the deer are getting munched.
I posted these in the Winter Conditions thread, but didn't see it was a Wyoming forum so I'll post them here.

These pics are on the Cache. The snowblower is in my driveway and the deer that crawled under the old lawn chairs and died is two houses from mine.


And then the DWR spent a couple of days over Presidents Day weekend flying the foothills and running the animals all over the place when they just needed to be left alone. Before somebody says they weren't running the animals... I watched it with my own eyes.


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We should shut the deer hunt down this year,
If you need some venison come east on hwy 40 from heber to Roosevelt,you should be able to get enough to last a lifetime.
The elk will be fine. I doubt we see any higher winter kill with elk than normal. As long as they stay off the roads all over and out of the poisonous plants in peoples yards in Mapleton, elk will be just fine.

The deer, in my very finite thinking, would seem to be in trouble. All this snow would make me think we’re going to see a big winter kill, much higher than the last several years when they had much more mild winters. That said, I heard from someone that studies these things professionally that I trust that the deer across the state are fairing quite well. There are some isolated areas where there are going to be issues, and they’ll likely see higher than normal winter kill, but most of the state I’m told the deer are holding up quite well to this winter.

Last week I was out looking at some animals and saw a lot of elk that all looked great. They had about 20 deer near them and they, for the most part, looked to be in fantastic shape. There was one exception. One deer close to this group looked to be on death’s doorstep. It was a hobbled, disheveled mess. I’d be surprised if it was still alive almost a week later now, but deer can be resilient.

I travel around Utah quite a bit on roads that see high numbers of roadkill throughout the year. I haven’t noticed an abnormally high amount of roadkill in most places. There is a lot of animals, but we always see a lot of roadkill this time of year. I will say that from Moroni to Fountain Green had a really high number. I don’t travel that road a lot, but it seemed abnormally high to me on that one short stretch.

I’m guessing we’ll be told deer numbers are okay, and tag numbers won’t be cut a ton. There will be outcry from the usual suspects about how dumb the DWR is and how we shouldn’t be hunting these deer. And then all those same people will apply, draw tags, and go hunt. So pretty much status quo for every other year.
I believe this is the data you are referring too that shows the fawns are doing better as of Feb 28th than even last year. But it's still early so we will see how it all ends up.
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That’s interesting Jake. Thanks for sharing. I haven’t seen that before. Honestly, like I mentioned in my earlier post, logical reasoning tells me the deer would be in trouble this winter. However, someone that knows a lot more than I do on this topic suggests otherwise. I hope he’s right! And I hope that remains the case the next 4-6 weeks while we come out of winter.

Regardless of what the professionals say, whether the outlook is bright and sunny or doom and gloom, people won’t believe them.

And regardless of what happens to the deer, the strongest proponents of cutting tags will still apply and will still go hunt if they draw. Funny how that works, isn’t it?
That’s interesting Jake. Thanks for sharing. I haven’t seen that before. Honestly, like I mentioned in my earlier post, logical reasoning tells me the deer would be in trouble this winter. However, someone that knows a lot more than I do on this topic suggests otherwise. I hope he’s right! And I hope that remains the case the next 4-6 weeks while we come out of winter.

Regardless of what the professionals say, whether the outlook is bright and sunny or doom and gloom, people won’t believe them.

And regardless of what happens to the deer, the strongest proponents of cutting tags will still apply and will still go hunt if they draw. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

I just realized I cut off the comment at the bottom, I just edited the post to show that as well, basically looks like sever drought is worse than lots of snow.
The deer are in bad, bad trouble, and I don’t need the so called professionals to tell me so. The 62 years that I’ve lived I can see with my own eyes. But I will say this. A dwr biologist I talked to yesterday said they have had a 70% winter kill of last years fawns. Let alone the adults that are also dying, but I don’t need them to tell me so.
The deer are in bad, bad trouble, and I don’t need the so called professionals to tell me so. The 62 years that I’ve lived I can see with my own eyes. But I will say this. A dwr biologist I talked to yesterday said they have had a 70% winter kill of last years fawns. Let alone the adults that are also dying, but I don’t need them to tell me so.
Another conspiracy theory:

Ten years ago, we were told, by the DWR their mule deer data research showed the average age of Utah’s mule deer herd was four years old. If what the biologist told you yesterday is true and we have factually already lots 70% of last years fawns, before this winter’s over, we’ll have lost a minimum of one fourth of our total mule deer herd. Possibly more than a fourth, if the does and bucks are dying as well…….. and apparently some are.

But it’ll be okay, I’m sure.
Look, I don't know what you all are worried about. Remember, SFW gave us Option 2 which was going to save our mule deer herds. Since they gave us that gem, they have received tens of millions of dollars off public resources with tags specifically for conservation purposes.

SFW has our backs and for sure have saved our mule deer herd. Look at how much better it is today than when they started dictating the process?
The deer are in bad, bad trouble, and I don’t need the so called professionals to tell me so. The 62 years that I’ve lived I can see with my own eyes. But I will say this. A dwr biologist I talked to yesterday said they have had a 70% winter kill of last years fawns. Let alone the adults that are also dying, but I don’t need them to tell me so.
I’ve noticed the same!!!
Another conspiracy theory:

Ten years ago, we were told, by the DWR their mule deer data research showed the average age of Utah’s mule deer herd was four years old. If what the biologist told you yesterday is true and we have factually already lots 70% of last years fawns, before this winter’s over, we’ll have lost a minimum of one fourth of our total mule deer herd. Possibly more than a fourth, if the does and bucks are dying as well…….. and apparently some are.

But it’ll be okay, I’m sure.
Show your math on this one.
Can’t…… not my data, call the Salt Lake Office of the DWR and ask Justin Shannon if he has a copy of the research BYU did on the average age of Utah’s deer herd.

From there you can do the math as well as me. It means 1/4th of your average deer herd population are last years fawns.
Can’t…… not my data, call the Salt Lake Office of the DWR and ask Justin Shannon if he has a copy of the research BYU did on the average age of Utah’s deer herd.

From there you can do the math as well as me. It means 1/4th of your average deer herd population are last years fawns.
I am positive I cannot do the math like you can. That's why I would like you to show how me how you go from average age of herd is 4 yrs and then get 25% of herd is dead if 70% of fawns are dead. Show your work!
I am positive I cannot do the math like you can. That's why I would like you to show how me how you go from average age of herd is 4 yrs and then get 25% of herd is dead if 70% of fawns are dead. Show your work!
There is no work…… there’s my bias logic.

The biologist said 70% of the the fawns are already dead.

JakeH posted a chart with some text attached. Some other joker by the name of wildlifeprof said, “ with winter kill in March and April, and even early May”. My logic tells me the prof is saying a bunch more fawns are still going to die and if 70% are already gone, based on the DWR Biologist statement, I’m concluding all of fawns will die this year. By all I mean 100%.

If the average age of our deer herd is 4 years and we loose one year worth of fawns, plus the normal annual adult death mortality takes its tole, on top of one year’s worth of fawns. That’s a fourth of the population dead. How else can you math it?

I showed you mine, show me yours…….
There is no work…… there’s my bias logic.

The biologist said 70% of the the fawns are already dead.

JakeH posted a chart with some text attached. Some other joker by the name of wildlifeprof said, “ with winter kill in March and April, and even early May”. My logic tells me the prof is saying a bunch more fawns are still going to die and if 70% are already gone, based on the DWR Biologist statement, I’m concluding all of fawns will die this year. By all I mean 100%.

If the average age of our deer herd is 4 years and we loose one year worth of fawns, plus the normal annual adult death mortality takes its tole, on top of one year’s worth of fawns. That’s a fourth of the population dead. How else can you math it?

I showed you mine, show me yours…….
You do not know have enough information to make that statement. Where are you getting your data that fawns make up 25% of the herd?
It's funny to me that an unnamed source at the DWR said 70% of fawns have died and lumpy laps it up willingly without fact checking any of it because it aligns with what he wants to believe. Then a named wildlife ecology professor (all you have to do is click on his bio and it tells you exactly who he is) is "some other joker." One is anonymous source that we don't even have the context of the conversation, let alone an ability to check if the quote was even stated, and the other is a professor in wildlife ecology at BYU that does a TON of work with the DWR, and he is just some other joker...

The discussions on these topics become so disingenuous, they aren't even worth our time. I hope our deer herds make it out of this winter okay. I have no idea if they will, but I'm hoping they will. I like to hunt though, and I like other people to be able to hunt. Not everyone shares those beliefs.
In that case, the 2023 fall data count should be about the same as it shows for 2022. Actually, that wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
Drove up Highway 6 to Scofield a couple of weeks. LOTS of dead deer and elk and even a dead moose. Lot's of live elk and deer hanging out right off the road. 1,000 doesn't even scratch the surface.
It's funny to me that an unnamed source at the DWR said 70% of fawns have died and lumpy laps it up willingly without fact checking any of it because it aligns with what he wants to believe. Then a named wildlife ecology professor (all you have to do is click on his bio and it tells you exactly who he is) is "some other joker." One is anonymous source that we don't even have the context of the conversation, let alone an ability to check if the quote was even stated, and the other is a professor in wildlife ecology at BYU that does a TON of work with the DWR, and he is just some other joker...

The discussions on these topics become so disingenuous, they aren't even worth our time. I hope our deer herds make it out of this winter okay. I have no idea if they will, but I'm hoping they will. I like to hunt though, and I like other people to be able to hunt. Not everyone shares those beliefs.
There is no hoping they make it out of this winter okay. the death rate has happened and is happening right as we speak. Vanilla go for a drive and tell us what you are seeing, cause it’s happening all over. Good luck brotha.
Niller Needs to Get out A Little More Often!

We'd Show You First Hand Niller What Happens On Highway 40 on a Daily Basis!

You Don't Have To Be A BrainWashed Biologist To See This!
It’s going to be ugly, wish I had the optimism of some !! But wishing in one hand and well you know the rest.
Vanilla go for a drive and tell us what you are seeing, cause it’s happening all over. Good luck brotha.

See post #10 above. I haven’t been far north (beyond Brigham) in a couple months, and haven’t been beyond Heber since late November on 40, but I’ve been a lot of other places all around. I’m seeing roadkill for sure, but we always see increased roadkill this time of year. I couldn’t in good faith say that it is more or less than normal because that would simply be silly to suggest what I saw at specific times is the full data set. It didn’t seem noticeably more, but again, even if that was the case, does my individual observation tell the whole story? I’d be foolish to believe that.

The deer I’m seeing around the winter ranges look to be in decent shape so far for the most part. Again, I haven’t been to the places listed above, but I get around. There is still time for that to change drastically, and that is where I’m hopeful that things don’t take a turn for the worse over the next 4-6 weeks.

I won’t apologize for being hopeful, but again, I like to hunt and I like when you all get to hunt too.
I made a similar post to this in another thread a while back.. I drive Nephi to Ephraim every day and I have easily seen over 150 roadkill deer since early winter, and that’s probably an underestimate. In the past two weeks there is a spot just outside of Moroni where 6 deer have been hit within 100 feet of each other. That’s absolutely wiping out some future generations!!
You Might Wanna Hunt Every Year Niller!

But You Might Also Want Something Left To Hunt!

Think Niller Think!

There Isn't An Accurate Number On The Amount Of RoadKill!

But I Can GUARAN-DAMN-TEE You It's More Than Most Think!

But You're The Guy That'll Believe The 1,000 Number Because Somebody Said So!

You Ain't Gotta Be A Brain Specialist To Figure This Shhitt Out!
I made a similar post to this in another thread a while back.. I drive Nephi to Ephraim every day and I have easily seen over 150 roadkill deer since early winter, and that’s probably an underestimate. In the past two weeks there is a spot just outside of Moroni where 6 deer have been hit within 100 feet of each other. That’s absolutely wiping out some future generations!!

See post 10 above. That area right outside Moroni was pretty wild.

But from highway 6 to Fairview there was not a single dead deer on the side of the road that same day. Maybe they had just cleaned them up? But that is literally the first time I’ve ever driven that road and not seen roadkill. Any time of year, any time of day, I’ve always seen deer roadkill on that stretch, but not last week, not a single one.

Again, I’m not foolish enough to think that my experience tells the whole story. Just reporting how it was the day I went through there less than a week ago.

Oh, and bessy, with all due respect to you, I don’t believe the things you say just because you tell me. So maybe I’m not as easy to convince as just telling me. ;)
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Just got home today from a speed run down to Lake Havasu to pick up my RV. Only saw two dead deer total on the entire I-15 stretch thru Utah. When we returned yesterday and today, there was one other off the top at Hurricane, and lots of live ones on the hillsides between Cedar and Beaver. Glad to see that some of them are making it!!!
Hey Niller!

We'll Show you The Proof!

But You'll Still Twist It!

You Think Our Local Herd Was In Shape Enough To Take This?

See post 10 above. That area right outside Moroni was pretty wild.

But from highway 6 to Fairview there was not a single dead deer on the side of the road that same day. Maybe they had just cleaned them up? But that is literally the first time I’ve ever driven that road and not seen roadkill. Any time of year, any time of day, I’ve always seen deer roadkill on that stretch, but not last week, not a single one.

Again, I’m not foolish enough to think that my experience tells the whole story. Just reporting how it was the day I went through there less than a week ago.

Oh, and bessy, with all due respect to you, I don’t believe the things you say just because you tell me. So maybe I’m not as easy to convince as just telling me. ;)
You Think Our Local Herd Was In Shape Enough To Take This?

Depends on the area, I suppose. Deer herds across the state are certainly in better and worse shape than others.

And I’m not even sure what you want to show me proof of. My first post, and essentially every post since in this thread, said I expected the winter kill to be really bad, but the data the biologists are seeing suggest most areas are fairing better than expected, with some in rough shape. None of that suggests there is no winter kill or road kill. Just that it isn’t as bad as expected.

And I also said I hope the deer are doing okay.

I’ve also said what I’ve seen, and admitted it would be foolish for me to assume that tells the whole story. (You would be wise to adopt that position as well, if you want some fee advice today!)

Exactly which of those comments is so offensive to you? We can find a safe room to have you tell me, if you need.
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Depends on the area, I suppose. Deer herds across the state are certainly in better and worse shape than others.

And I’m not even sure what you want to show me proof of. My first post, and essentially every post since in this thread, said I expected the winter kill to be really bad, but the data the biologists are seeing suggest most areas are fairing better than expected, with some in rough shape. None of that suggests there is no winter kill or road kill. Just that it isn’t as bad as expected.
And There You Go Again Niller!

You Never Believe A Damn Word Of What Somebody Posts With The Facts & Seen First Hand!

But If A Biologist Posts It,It's GOSPEL To You!

And I Quote:

"Fairing Better Than Expected"




One Of The Worst Winters Across The Entire State In Who Knows How Many Years?

Hoping The Deer Are Doing OK?

HINT: They Ain't Doing OK Statewide!

fee Advice?


Free Advice!

And I also said I hope the deer are doing okay.

I’ve also said what I’ve seen, and admitted it would be foolish for me to assume that tells the whole story. (You would be wise to adopt that position as well, if you want some fee advice today!)

Exactly which of those comments is so offensive to you? We can find a safe room to have you tell me, if you need.
So those complaining the numbers aren't right have you been reporting on the app? You know that is is the number they are using right?

And are you verifying that those you see are new within the last 24 hours?

And we already know there are no deer in the basin so how is it that there are that many being killed?

My guess is that it is higher than the past few years. Will that be catastrophic? I don't think so.
So those complaining the numbers aren't right have you been reporting on the app? You know that is is the number they are using right?

And are you verifying that those you see are new within the last 24 hours?

And we already know there are no deer in the basin so how is it that there are that many being killed?

My guess is that it is higher than the past few years. Will that be catastrophic? I don't think so.

You Don't Think it'll Effect A Piss Poor Deer Herd That's Already In Trouble?

....just think of all the food the fawns will have because of all the car killed deer not hogging it....
Don’t try and figure bessy out. You’ll only drive yourself crazy. Nothing short of shutting down hunting for everyone but him will make him satisfied.

Anyone want to place a wager on if bessy applies for deer hunts this fall?
Don’t try and figure bessy out. You’ll only drive yourself crazy. Nothing short of shutting down hunting for everyone but him will make him satisfied.

Anyone want to place a wager on if bessy applies for deer hunts this fall?
Of course he'll get a tag and hunt......that certainly doesn't mean he fills any tags....
Permit numbers won’t be set until the first week of May. What comes out in April are initial recommendations, and they can and have adjusted those in the past by the time the Wildlife Board sets permit numbers.
Homer Is Right!

Well Almost!

There Is NO GUARANTEE I'll Have A Deer Tag In 2023!

Un-Like Some/NILLER!

Even If I Get A Tag!

I Won't Be On Here Posting Pics Nor Stories With Some Lil Ole PISSCUTTER Telling The Whole World How I NEEDED THE MEAT To Justify The KILL/Fill The Freezer Trying To Earn The LOOK AT ME Syndrome On The Internet! Them F'N Freezers Must Be PISSCUTTERS!

It's More About Kids & GrandKids Now & In Future Years/Hunts!

If I Never Take Another Animal I'M Gonna Be Just Fine!

Of course he'll get a tag and hunt......that certainly doesn't mean he fills any tags....
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Back To The OP!

A Question For The MM Pro's:

We Have A Truck Or Two Around The Basin That Gathers Up Road-Kills!

I Haven't Seen Them In Action For A While?

I'm Not Sure What They Do With Them?

But Are These Counted & Numbers Turned In?

All I Can Think Is They Must Have Got More Than Their Quota This Winter Because I Haven't Seen Them For Quite A While Gathering RoadKillls Up?

I'd Bet They're Way Busier Than They Care To Be!

There's FRESH Taco's In The Basin Boys!
All I Can Think Is They Must Have Got More Than Their Quota This Winter Because I Haven't Seen Them For Quite A While Gathering RoadKillls Up?

And now we learn some important data here! According to another post, 4 months?

Maybe the reason people are seeing more dead deer is because they are getting cleaned up like normal? That new contractor isn’t doing their job, according to another thread. Things that make ya go hmmmmm…
And now we learn some important data here! According to another post, 4 months?

Maybe the reason people are seeing more dead deer is because they ARE? or AREN'T? are getting cleaned up like normal? That new contractor isn’t doingN' their job, according to another thread. Things that make ya go hmmmmm…
The other day I had to go to Fruitland for work. From Roosevelt to Fruitland I counted over 40 deer Dead on the side of the road . If I had to guess we have lost over a 100-200 deer over the last 4 month threw there Hell it could even be more.
There are 100's of deer hanging out by the side of the road. It's really sad they haven't fixed that area threw there it has been an ongoing problem for years.
Hey ES2015!

It's Way More Than 100-200 Deer!

There's Been Many Days Where I've Seen 12-17 Fresh Kills In One Day/Night!

And yes I Agree With You On That Area Being A Problem Since Time Began!

The other day I had to go to Fruitland for work. From Roosevelt to Fruitland I counted over 40 deer Dead on the side of the road . If I had to guess we have lost over a 100-200 deer over the last 4 month threw there Hell it could even be more.
There are 100's of deer hanging out by the side of the road. It's really sad they haven't fixed that area threw there it has been an ongoing problem for years.
So with everyone agreeing that there is more road kill than normal and winter kill is going to be a factor is it reasonable to assume that permit numbers will decrease?
I think that the DWR and UDOT need to team up and start putting more pronounced signs,For example Idaho has two or three sets of double head flashing lighted signs,Stating caution major Migration area!
I am not sure if Utah has anything like this,I haven't seen any!!
Maybe they need to wright (WAKE THE F UP DEER ON ROAD)
And possibly start giving higher penalties when hitting a Animal in these areas!!
So with everyone agreeing that there is more road kill than normal and winter kill is going to be a factor is it reasonable to assume that permit numbers will decrease?
I personally would not say more than normal, atleast not from Juab county south. I have averaged over 600 miles a week over the last 2 years traveling the southern half of the state.
I felt the fall and early winter was up considerably on road kill but since the snow got deep i have noticed a significant drop off. Maybe the deer and elk have moved up on south facing slopes where the snow is not as deep or maybe the deep snow has killed a large amount already.

Today I went up Hwy 89 through Sanpete valley I counted 2 dead elk 1 within the last week and 1 older than a week. 7 dead deer 2 from within the last week and 4 more than a week.
Connected to Hwy 6 at thistle and continued to Price 1 dead elk more than a week old. 10 dead deer more than half I would say over a week old and 1 dead moose more than a week.
I think that the DWR and UDOT need to team up and start putting more pronounced signs,For example Idaho has two or three sets of double head flashing lighted signs,Stating caution major Migration area!
I am not sure if Utah has anything like this,I haven't seen any!!
Maybe they need to wright (WAKE THE F UP DEER ON ROAD)
And possibly start giving higher penalties when hitting a Animal in these areas!!
Imagine how many people would speed through school zones if they weren’t patrolled heavily and that is children let alone deer, your right about needing higher penalties
What citation do they write when you hit a deer or elk? And what is the penalty of that citation?

I've been lucky I guess driving I-84/I80 between Ogden and Kimball Junction somewhere around 60 times a year during the winter in the dark for nearly 40 years and never hit one.
I don't have any answer on the penalty!I also have driven at a minimum of 50 miles one way from the basin to Heber for 22 years on a weekly schedule,I have not hit a deer, elk or moose thankfully.I have had to hit the skids several times though.
I just only can imagine that if the fines were strong enough people would pay more attention MAYBE!!
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