Utah Ram Raffle ?



Does anyone know who to contact about the annual desert ram tag that is raffled off ? I think I found it in a magazine a few years back and have never been contacted about future raffles since. Any help is appreciated.
They don't necessarily do one every year and not always the same way. I've seen them raffle one at MN-WI FNAWS, at the National FNAWS convention, etc.

The big convention is Salt Lake City next year will have at least one desert ram tag on raffle I understand. Details will undoubtedly be at http://www.huntexpo.com/ when available.

You can also check in with Utah FNAWS. The contact info for them is on the National FNAWS website at: http://www.fnaws.org/members/chapters.html Note that the website doesn't work, hasn't for a long time, I don't know how good the other information is.

If you find anything else out, please let us know here. Thanks.
They can't have 'raffles' anymore in Utah... some state gambling law...

The way they get around it is to pull a name out of a hat and then the winner pays a couple thousand$$$ to UFNAWS and it isn't considered a 'raffle'.....

The normal mailing is out by now.. most years....

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