Utah Pronghorn Units NEED HELP



Which of these units has good success rates and good public access access? Do any of you guys have experience with any of these units for any weapon hunt?

Cache north rich
Box elder Snowville
Box elder Puddle valley
Box Elder Pilot Mountain
Cache north rich has the best access, but it gets hammered during the hunt do/to the access.

Box elder Snowville & Puddle valley is mostly private but I have found that permission is not too difficult to get and there is some BLM and Forest service areas, I have found that most of the bucks live in Idaho though.

Have heard that Pilot Mt. has difficult access, surounded by private property, would be a better pack in area, but I do not know for sure, have researched it for elk hunts mostly.

If you want my opinion and want to stay in northern Ut, apply for one of those Deseret CWMU tags, they have a bunch of speedgoats.

Not too many I think... alot of folks get it with no points, others 1 or 2. I know a guy who draws that tag every time he is elagable with archery gear.

I think most of the units in the state for antelope you only need 3 or 4, I have drew 2 tags in the last 5 years for the unit I like in the northeast, took 5 the first time and 2 the second.

Depending on what you are looking for ie, book head, representive of species,, mass, length... each unit has different genetics.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-06 AT 06:42PM (MST)[p]Archer,

Cache North Rich is in my back yard. Most hunters, are done by the first week end. In my opinion, I would be just as happy with Cache North Rich (as deseret). Both are really good units.

There are a lot of hunters. However, there is a lot of public access that sees little or no hunters.

There are not a whole lot of B&C bucks but there are a lot of nice "above average" animals. If you decide on the North Rich and draw, I will help you get away from the crowds.

Also, if you decide to go archery, it is really easy to draw.

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