Utah Parker Mt. Speed Goat


Very Active Member
Just got back from my Brothers Parker Mt (utah) antelope hunt. Had a great time. He passed on a number of decent bucks. Before making about a half mile stalk on this buck. He is not as long as we thought he would be. But has more mass than the originaly thought, and has some very nice curvature, not to mention he is quite wide, He stalked him to with in 160 yards and made a nice one shot kill. Here are a few pics for you. to enjoy.



aka: DeadI
Congrats , looks as if you guys had a pretty good hunt . He is a neat looking buck the way his horns flare back , I bet he was a bit hard to size up . GOOD JOB and thanks for sharing....NMHUNTNUTT
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-05 AT 09:58AM (MST)[p]I just took few realy rough measurements and I came up with
76 1/4 points. Incase any of you were wondering. He is 12 1/2" wide tip to tip, and widest inside was 14 3/4", 13" tall, and 6 1/2" Bases and the prongs about 5".

aka: DeadI
Aren't you suppose to be wearing orange on a rifle hunt in Utah? Nice goat though. My wife took one down there this past weekend also. Has 14 1/4" horns with 6 1/4" bases and carries it's mass all the way to it's tips. Did you guys see lots of the other 120 rifle hunters? There were several just driving the roads but most pulled out after the first day. Didn't see anyone on Sunday.
Yes and we had the orange, took it off for the stalk. Then put it back on.

Do you have pics of your? We saw 5 other successfull hunters.

aka: DeadI
You meant you removed your hunter orange for the photos, then put it back on after all the grip and grin shots were taken...conrats on taking a nice antelope from one of the prettiest areas to hunt pronghorns in the West.

I'm hoping my daughter can draw that tag next year and tag her first antelope.

Enjoy the meat and please post a pic of the mount when you get it done.
That's a nice lookin' goat, I like how wide his horns are.

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