
Very Active Member
Well this is the big week. Ranked 3rd and 5th by the BCS, this should be a fight to the end. I have been comparing the teams and I think it will be a TCU by 3. I really like the Utes, but I don't know if they can pull this one off.

What do you all think?
I really like the utes but Tcu by 3 in the first period maybe . but I will bet in the end more like 14 or 21 . I know the Utes would like to give Tcu a going away present but I dont think it is going to happen .
LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-10 AT 01:41PM (MST)[p]I guess I'll go out on a limb and place my bet on the Utes. I think Utah is a lot better than they get credit for. I guess we'll find out soon }>

35-24 Utah
Well, I really thought Utah was going to win this game, but after seeing them struggle mightily with Air Force (needed 5 AF TO's to win!) I just don't see them beating TCU.

I have only watched either team once this year. TCU looked much better against Air Force, I will give them the nod. I think it may be a 10+ game in the frogs favor.
utes are so over rated it isnt funny. they BARELY beat air force? when was the last time "air force" won a game? they'd get whooped by army or navy.....

j/k. but i do think it'll be a blowout in TCU's favor. utah just didn't look that good last week. but who knows really? its not like TCU plays anyone you've ever heard of either.

right now, i really feel sorry for utah joining the pac-10. i cant see a team in the conference they could beat?

o.k., now i'm just stirring the pot:)
Playing at home I have to pick the Utes. It's going to be dog though, lets just hope that the Utes are the biggest dog in the yard.
I am very impressed with TCU and think Coach Patterson will have something up his sleeve for this game. I think TCU rolls and will cheer for them as I think they have a better chance if given one in a title game. Instead it will probably be another TCU vs Boise State game. Ugh! I want them to play the big boy schools to see how they do.
I'll be on the 14th row watching this one. My heart is definitely with the Utes, but I'm pretty nervous. If I had to put money on it, I would say TCU by 14. Go Utes!
Now I will stir and stick my foot in .
I do not think any one will beat TCU or Boise this year .
Last year they were the best 2 teams in the nation . It would not have mattered if either team played for the championship they would have won.
Well, Utahs not getting any respect again. Air force always plays Utah well. Thats no secret. Maybe we will just end up going undeafeted again and beating a team like Alabama.

It's sure fun to watch them guys on espn come up with excuses on how it all happened. Utah's been there, done that, and bought the T-Shirt long before TCU and Boise showed up. And Utah will be just fine in the PAC-12. It's going to be exciting.
I like Utah I hope they play tough they should have a chip on their shoulders I just feel Tcu is a way better team at this point
Utah will be just fine in the Pac 12 for sure . That conference is underrated.
I'll be there! Utah all the way. For those of you comparing the Utah/Air Force game you need to look at something else. In the 13 times Utah and Air Force have play, the total point spread in only 15 or so points. Always a tough game. I like going in as the under dog. No question it will be a tough game but I like our odds. At home, TCU hasn't played that much better, and we have Wittingham! They will be prepared.

GO UTES!!!!!

It's always an adventure!!!
Well lets put this into perspective TCU is not an option football team. Air Force runs the option and theyre good at it which is the hardest offense to defend cause it can attack you from many angles and just when you think you have it pegged it opens up another look. Thats why Utah and Air Force is always a tough game the utes play tough D and always have but if they cant protect the ball they will lose. And I dont think TCUs truly been tested this yr look what Boise did to em last yr. If Utah comes out and sets the tone right away i think theyll TCU will destruct. But well find out tommorrow. Utes by 6 im gonna say.
TCU has been tested a lot more than Utah has, just compare the win loss records of their opponents. I hate to say it, but I think Utah is in trouble tomorrow. I think TCU is about as good as anyone this year. I felt they were last year too, but they sure choked in their BS bowl game.
>I'll be there! Utah all
>the way. For those
>of you comparing the Utah/Air
>Force game you need to
>look at something else.
>In the 13 times Utah
>and Air Force have play,
>the total point spread in
>only 15 or so points.
> Always a tough game.
> I like going in
>as the under dog.
>No question it will be
>a tough game but I
>like our odds. At
>home, TCU hasn't played that
>much better, and we have
>Wittingham! They will be
>GO UTES!!!!!
>It's always an adventure!!!

+100 thanks for making an intelligent reply Jim!!!!!!!!!!
40-0 now at the start of the 4th. Utah clearly way, way over-rated. Hell, as bad as BYU has been this year, they gave TCU a much better fight than this!

Probably has something to do with those butt ugly uniforms. I think Weber State could have beat them today.
I think there are very few teams VERY few that are going to play with TCU . I cannot wait to see them in a bowl this season and I hope it is not against Boise.
Why not Boise again? Don't want
to lose?

JK, I was pissed last year when
we had to play each other,
I don't think they will try it again!

Go Orange, Go Big Blue, Fight Fight
I like Boise and would stand with Boise But Tcu has the better defense .Either way I want both to play SEC schools so we can see how much better that conference is . ;)
I heard a lot of crying for lack of respect by Ute fans before the game and from my buddies going to the game. Now, the blinders have been removed and the Utes have been exposed as frauds. Yes, the Air Force game was the indicator, TCU creamed them 38-7 or something like that. Utah barely b beat Air Force even with getting five turnovers...

I was honestly amazed at how bad the Utes were. I at least thought it would be a 24-14 or 27-10 respectable home loss.
Elkhunter96 - you must be a BYU (3-4) fan. The only ones gloating after that game were BYU fans. Don't kid yourself, TCU was a better team but NOT 40 points better. Utah didn't show up. They will win out and kick somebodies ass in a bowl game. They are a good team. Hardly frauds.

It's always an adventure!!!
I'm a Y fan, but this game wasn't much different than last year when TCU came to Provo. TCU is just GOOD. As for Utah, they are a good team, just not a top 10 team. They are better than their next 3 apponents and should win all 3, if they recover mentally from this lose.

I thinks TCU and Boise are both good teams but if they had to take the pounding of playing in one of the major conferences they would lose more players to injury. Texas Tech for example has half their defensive starters injured. Nebraska is down to the third team quarterback. You don't see as many injuries at these schools because they don't continually take the massive hits BCS conference players do.
Yah....that shi++ doesn't fly anymore Cornhusker. Give me a break. I can promise you one thing, from what I saw last Saturday with TCU, they could pound the taters out of anybody in the country right now. They are that good. BIG conference or not, they are the real deal. Just like Utah was the real deal when they handed Alabama their asses a couple of years ago. That argument is just chickenshi++.

It's always an adventure!!!
Looks like last week was not a fluke. Utah geting their trash kicked by a mediocre to bad Notre Dame team. 28-3 in the 4th quarter right now.

If I was a Ute fan I'd be getting a little more worried about that Holy War, which looked like an easy victory just a few short weeks ago....

You got that right 257. I'm just as worried about San Diego State though. If Utah keeps playing like this it is very possible they could lose the last 2 games as well!

It's always an adventure!!!

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