Utah Mule Deer Committee


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-08-14 AT 09:42PM (MST)[p]?Utah Mule Deer Hunters? or ?Those Interested In Hunting Mule Deer? in Utah

My Name is DeLoss Christensen
My email address is: [email protected]
My personal phone number is 435-979-5521

Currently I am a member of the Utah Mule Deer Committee, engaged in assisting the development of Utah Division of Wildlife Resource?s next Five Year Mule Deer Management Plan.

Many months ago I asked to be consider for the committee and was appointed by whom ever at the UDWR makes these appointments, to serve on the committee. I am a paying member to a number of different wildlife conservation and hunting organizations. I am a committee member of the Sevier Chapter of Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife. I am not presently an officer in any of these organizations however I have been an officer, for a number different groups, over the years, both locally and on the State level.

I love the outdoor life style, all aspects of it. I'm 67 years old. I have three sons, two daughters, eleven grandchildren, all of which love the outdoors as well. Born and raised in Southern Alberta, Canada, lived in the US for 46 year lived in Utah for 42 years.

I hear from a lot of different sportsmen, landowners and State and Federal Agents regarding hunting and fishing issues, I guess because they know I like to talk about it. There is diversity of wants, needs and opinions, that I can say for certain.

I have wants, needs and opinions mine as well, one of them is my passion for mule deer and what deer hunting, in general, brings to the table to the outdoor life style. Like the horse to the cowboy, the snow to the skier and the water the fisherman, the deer and particularly the mule deer, so far as the State of Utah is concerned, is the lynch pin to the future of hunting. For many, many reasons, the conservation, propagation and the proliferation of mule deer are the glue that will preserver and protect the Utah outdoor life style into the future and without a viable mule deer population, the lifestyle could and would most likely slowly slip away, like so many of our valued traditions have all ready done.

Serving on the Mule Deer Committee I have five goals, really just three, in that number 4 and 5 relate back to what happens with the first three.

I will not respond to questions on this post or any other public internet forum because these forums while these forums have significant value generally they too often end up turning negative rather than productive. Of course, I have no objections to your discussing anything I've written here on Monster Muley, I just won't be responding to you this way. I will however be more than happy to respond to any e-mails you may care to forward to me or take any phone calls you may wish to make. I'm willing to change my mind or my opinion, if you can help me see things differently,

I will be tied up and non-responsive until Monday, June 9th. You?re free to e-mail me any anytime but I won't be able to talk via phone prior to then.

This is where I'm coming from, on the Mule Deer Committee

Goals I believe we should attempt to achieve in the 5 year plan, amongst others.

1. Increase to total population of healthy deer on every unit that is under carrying capacity.

(Large, healthy populations of mule deer will provide more opportunity to hunt without having to over harvesting the population, that is, create more surplus. A healthy deer herd presumes the herd is being managed according to sound/proven scientific methodologies. Large mule deer populations must also be managed within the constrains of social, political, private and public land restraints and realties.)

2. Unite archery, muzzleloader, rifle hunters who are made up of two primary groups, those that wish to hunt and harvest any deer and those that wish to hunt and harvest more mature deer.

(To best grow, conserve and hunt surplus mule deer in the State of Utah, next to increasing the (State wide and unit by unit) mule deer population, the most important work the committee faces is uniting the archery, muzzleloader, rifle hunting groups, which are made up of hunters that wish to maximize opportunity (meaning they wish to hunt as much and as often as the resource can support and mature deer hunters who seem to be willing to spend less days a-field if it means they'll be seeing and harvesting more mature deer) behind a mutually agreeable distribution of our limited hunting opportunities.

Recognizing, the State has (and will most likely always have) fewer deer than there are people that want a deer hunting permit. Further, I understand the plan will never ( can never, due to our diversity) make everyone happy but we must seek to create an ?agreed to equity? amongst the different groups represented by the committee, then the best we can hope to do is spread the resource as widely as we can, within each group?s equitable share of the resource.

We must attempt to bring sportsmen together, with the UDWR (?our? State Wildlife Agency).

The current and past quarrels between hunting groups have been harmful to all sportsmen, and ?to the best of our ability? mule deer management to should be negotiated until all consumptive parties come to an ?agreed to equity?.)

3. The committee must review the current mule deer draw system.

(Now that we have the ability to micro-manage smaller mule deer units, we can and should consider alternatives to the Premium, Limited Entry, and General Season draws. We should explore solutions for Goal #4 (below) with in a different then present deer draw system. The committee should ?explore alternatives? however the committee may learn that leaving it the way it is currently will be the best we can provide, but let's think through some alternatives, before we decide to do that. (Personally I believe if we put our collective heads together, in a positive objective way, we can find way?s to provide more opportunity and move hunters through the preference point system as well.))

4. Goal four should be to make sure Goals 1, 2 and 3 address hunter demand.

(The only reason sportsman want large surplus producing deer herds is to make it possible to hunt and harvest these animals. Zoo?s, wildlife preservers and National Parks, etc. provide ample viewing opportunity to satisfy the demand for the non-hunting public to see these wonderful animals. The kind and size of deer herds this committee should be (and is) concerning it's self with are meeting the demand of the divers hunting public.

In as much as an ?ever increasing? number of sportsmen are applying for Premium and Limited Entry units each year, the time between the opportunities to hunt mature animals becomes longer and longer. (point creep as its now being called) That is not to suggest or infer that the demand to ?just hunt? as often as possible is not growing as well however, if the increase in applications in the number of Limited Entry hunts is not telling us that more and more people, ?every year?, are ?voting with their dollars? (it cost's more to hunt a limited entry unit than a general season unit) to hunt more mature animals or to hunt with less hunter pressure, how can point creep be explained?

If it's possible, we need to try to develop solutions in Goals 1, 2 and 3. that will relieve pressure on the preference point system, even if, 20 years from now it needs to be altered and updated again. (Returning to a 100% random draw does not seem to make a lot of sense to most people but it to should at least be considered, so those that want a random draw can be given a reasonable explanation as to why not.)

5. Develop a new concept in surveying social (family and friends) opportunities associated with Goal 1,2,3,4.

(I'm okay with surveys but there is nagging concern that we're asking the right questions and that we're interpreting the results correctly. I'll like the committee to consider ways to measure hunter choices and hunter demand, not by how hunters respond to a written or verbal set of questions, but I'd like to really look closely at hunters actual behaviors and what hunters actually do or what hunters did, rather than base our decisions on what they "say" they want. If that makes sense.)

I look forward to hearing what your goals would be, and why.

DeLoss, glad to hear you are on the Mule Deer Committee. Won't be an easy task to come up with the kind of compromises that most certainly have to be proposed. I was given information at the last RAC meeting that the DWR collared a male cougar last year with a satellite tracking device. They were able to follow him in real time as I understand it. They were able to confirm the frequency and rate that he killed deer. Over a years period this particular cougar was killing a deer every 2.3 days. This study was done on the Monroe Mt. Do you have any other info as an MDC member concerning this ? Also, I know that preference points/unit choice drawing scenarios will be discussed in the November RAC. I am not sure if the MDC will weigh in on this or not but if you do, I would like you to consider proposing that anyone who puts a unit as their first choice will always be given a tag- in other words-- fill all available tags in any particular unit with those that put that unit as their first choice. If there are tags left in that unit after giving a tag to all those who listed it as their first choice, then drop down to those who listed it as their 2nd choice etc and based on their draw number until all the permits available are given out.
Currently a person could list 5 choices and according to their draw number could draw their 5th choice, while someone who even had a couple preference points and had listed that unit as their first choice would not draw. Listing 5 choices really increases your odds-- kind of like having extra "preference" points. I believe that those who list a unit as a 1st choice should always be given the tag and any leftover tags go to those who put that unit as a 2nd 3rd choice etc.
Thanks- Richard Hansen
So if 10 thousand hunters put the pahvant as their 1st choice we should let 10 thousand hunters hunt it. That's ridiculous you can't do that there would be no bucks left on the mountain.
>So if 10 thousand hunters put
>the pahvant as their 1st
>choice we should let 10
>thousand hunters hunt it. That's
>ridiculous you can't do
>that there would be no
>bucks left on the mountain.

edwardsc, The post above was referring to the fact that in the drawing you can pick 5 units, if you pick five units you get a tag in the unit you have the lowest number so say you get a 15 in unit 1 and a 10 in unit 5 you would draw 5 over unit 1, even if unit 1 had 15 tags. That is what the person is referring too not to give 10,000 tags out per unit. The person wants the draw to go in order of number and hunt choice so the first low enough number gets you the tag/unit not the lowest number from all 5 units chosen. Let me know if that makes any sense.
Nebo shhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

LOL although I think the system is screwed up, Now that I know the work around I say lets just keep this to ourselves. but hell I can be selfish at times. LOL

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
Why do Banks do background checks on employee's that will be handling peoples money? Why does the State require a background check on day care providers? OK a bit less drastic, DO you think Coke would hire anyone for Advertising who is currently employed with Pepsi for the same job ? Why in the world would someone from a special interest Group, be allowed to sit on a committee, that deals with the PUBLIC's Wildlife??? Again, I don't know 2Lumpy, and as I said in another post recently, I strongly disagree with nebo,but made the comment I thought he was a good guy. Lumpy also, from reading your posts in the past, I believe to be a good guy also. BUT why would this so called Mule Deer committee, Have ANYONE who has been bought and sold by SFW or any other legalized thieves?
Why does the argument always go to "what these groups have done with the money collected from stolen tags for the greater good of wildlife"? Here is a question I would loved to be considered. How much good could have been done for wildlife if 100% of the money from the stolen tags, would have been used for wildlife programs,instead of only a portion, and the rest going to line the pockets of the people steeling the tags in the first place?
The questions to be considered when it comes to hunting in Utah are endless. But I feel the answers will always be tainted if the considering group, or committee has anyone involved that represents any kind of group other than "the love of hunting" group.
Sportsmen in Utah, need to look deeper than just, who sits what committee, the politics within the state, and DWR should be addressed and considered also.
It sadly will always come down to money. When money is such a huge factor, Politics will always be involved. And with politics comes corruption. There are many ways for "Hunting" to be corrupted. From the smallest ways. to what I call the Thieving, Special interest groups. Some groups that always seem to avoid the radar are what I call the "bird watcher groups" they receive money from hunters for projects that benefit non hunting interests. like the creation of buildings and area's off limits to hunting ,but for those who wish to View wildlife.
when you look into the issues sportsmen in Utah are dealing with you will here over and over and over again, The the DWR does not have the funds for the , this or that, and on and on... It really becomes sickening, its a continual whine. This is their justification for allowing parasite groups like SFW to engage with them. Even tho they toss dollar after dollar at other special interest groups like the "bird watcher groups" and countless other special projects instead of to programs that benefit the Animals that created the revenue in the first place.
Here are some questions this so called' Mule Deer Committee" should be asking
1-How much money does the DWR spend to have the Draw's done in Nevada, and why, is the DWR to inept to conduct the Draw instate.
2-Is there a way to take the tags allotted to Special interest groups and auction them off in a way that the DWR retains the money, to use for the wildlife programs.
3-are there anyways to reduce point creep in the current limited entry area's buy making mandatory waiting periods longer ,or once in a lifetime, or subdividing units from premium and regular to once in a lifetime to 10 year.....
4-How can the DWR collect a bigger percentage from tags sold by either CMWU, Special interest thieves,
5-is there a lawmaker within the State that could be involved with making laws requiring the DWR to collect,use,maintain "specie specific funds" i.e. use Mule Deer money for Mule Deer.
If the DWR wants people like me to drink their kool aid about the "we have no money" whine. Then first show me that ALL the money collected by them, from Mule Deer, goes DIRECTLY to Mule Deer projects. SHOW me that NO special interest groups (thieves), kept any money that should have been used for wildlife, specific to the species the money was collected for.
I, like most people. Work for a living, I spend 12-14 hour a day Monday thru Friday, working. My Weekends are spent with Family. I live in rural San Pete county. I simply do not have the time to go to rac meetings and be allotted 5 minuets to express my views. while some like SFW will have numerous lobbyists each with their own 5 mins to combine and mix their kool aid. I have prioritized my family as #1. If ever Sportsmen who are sick and tired of their resources being Stolen and manipulated for the benefit of the hierarchy of a special interest groups, Combine and Demand a change for the benefit of Wildlife. Then it might be time for me to reprioritize and combine there wishes with my #1.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-14 AT 01:55PM (MST)[p]Deerslayer88. Yes that makes sense to me now. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
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J & J Outfitters

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Utah Big Game Outfitters

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Lickity Split Outfitters

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