Utah mountain goat


Very Active Member
I just got back from my Willard peak nanny hunt. It was an awesome experience. I was able to take a 9 1/2 inch 6 year old nanny and I couldn't be happier with the hunt. I will get some pics up as soon as I can heading out now for my antelope hunt with my son.
Congratulations Marley,
You are a lucky man to have a goat hunt and then go on a "goat" hunt with your son.
Good luck with the "pronghorn"!
Dang good deal.

I have been keeping an eye out up there for any early snow----changes the whole hunt.

Did ya see the drophorn nanny?


I did see the drop horn nanny the night before the opening. I went back in the morning with full intent on taking her but couldn't find her again. I found what I thought was the best nanny I had seen, shot her, she rolled down the hill, and then out steps the drop horn at 300 yards. I was disappointed for a bit but ended up taking a great nanny that scored 44. Still can't get pics up until I get home but I will get them up soon.
I think I've seen that drop horn, but it was South of Ogden Canyon. I guess a small band crossed the highway. There is a drop horn nanny in w that group. i am hoping that the goats take residence on that whole Snow Basin/Ogden Peak range. That would be cool! have any of you guys seen the goats in that area? Maybe there are two drop horn nannies.
Thanks for the update marley.

That Snowbasin area is part of a CWMU.

Not sure how much comes over the top and down the hogden side for the CWMU boundary.

One of the biggest billy's I have ever seen was up above the 'U' on the north side of Weber Canyon a few years ago while bow hunting the Front in November.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-12 AT 09:52AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-12 AT 09:45?AM (MST)

Congrats on your goat. That is cool that the old drop horn is still alive. I was after that one in 07. It has a history of eluding hunters. I talked to someone from the dwr that said that goat had been up there for awhile and that was 5 years ago. I never did see it during the hunt. What's interesting is the horn was almost in the goats mouth 5 years ago.


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