Utah Mountain Goat (kill shot video)


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-12 AT 07:57PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-12 AT 07:56?PM (MST)

Here is a video of my Utah Mountain Goat hunt on Willard Peak. My idea was to wait until she got lined up with a huge tree and then break her down quick so she would roll into the tree. It ALMOST worked.

I was using my .300 RUM with 200 grain Accubonds.

Sweet goat. I hate when they decided to go suicidal and either roll or jump down into the nasty rocky areas. Congratulations.
Really cool! What powder and how many grains are pushing those accubonds? I just bought some 200's to try in my 300 rum.
I use 95.5 grains of Retumbo. This is pushing MAX load so work up as usual. It is a great bullet out of the RUM and traveling a little over 3200 fps.
Thanks Marley! I was going to start low with the reloader 25 and work up! I won't get to shoot them at an animal until december though.
Do you have a Utah horseshoe up your hiney? Henry's tag fgirst time applying, then a goat tag? Congrats!
Yeah Utah has been good to me. Drew Henrys with 1 point, my brother drew wasatch elk tag last year with 0 points, and then I drew the goat tag with 3 points.
I am arranging a trip to Vegas with you making all of my bets! lol
Very nice Nanny and a fun video.
Congratulations and thanks for sharing your good fortune.

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