
I am going to have a difficult time being patient in drawing a Utah Moose permit. Does anyone know of a good CWMU moose hunt? Do the CWMU hunts have better odds of drawing? Thanks in advance for any help offered.
When I was studying the draw odds I noticed the draw odds for the C.W.M.U.'s first appeared very good , however when I looked at the big picture I went with a regular draw unit .
The problem with those tags is most of the units only have a couple or one tag . Looking at the draw odds it appears on most of the cwmu's 30 people are trying to get the one tag . Also with the low tag numbers you don't know if the tag will go to a hunter with 0 points or max points .
Good luck
Apparently there is a hunt going on up millcreek canyon right now for moose. All you need is a small game licence.j/kj/k
Ive really wondered about some of these moose CWMU tags also , It doesnt seem like theres really that many people applying for these.

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