Utah Grouse Opener



I've been waiting patiently for the grouse opener all year, and it did not dissapoint me. Between a friend and I, we managed 5 blues in several hours (and miles) of hunting. Had a great time, and the blues tasted great in my "grouse noodle soup".

We didn't see a thing for the 1st 2 miles. My friend was ahead of me 50 yards or so when I hear the grouse get up and start flying. He takes a shot (it was already out of range for him) and yells that it's coming my way. In a split second I see the bird at 30 yards flying accross from my right to left. I raise up and one shell drops him. 1st blue of the year, and 1st ever for me! Very exciting. We hike another mile or so and my friend jumps one out of some sage brush and made a nice shot on him before he reached the thick stuff. We then decided to hunt a ridge that we had seen some on during the deer hunt the previous year. After 2 miles of zig zagging our way through pines and not seeing a thing, we get back on the trail to the truck. We were out of all of the prime grouse area, and we were only about 300 yards from the truck so I took my shells out (dumb move) and we start walking. 100 yards later we jump a group of 3. I put a couple of shells in. My buddy busts one of them, and made another jump. I busted him out of the air, and saw the other make a run for it. I blast him just before he makes it into the thick stuff.

What a hunt!
Way to go OM! Yeah, my family has come to enjoy the opener as well (hell it's another reason to be in the hills, and you're hunting right... what could be better?)

My oldest boy Tyler (9 years old) and I didn't get away until mid afternoon on Saturday. Not a big deal however as we enjoyed listening to the Y game game on KSL. Hearing the Cougars take it to the Bruins certainly made the drive pass by quicker. We then got camp set up and enjoyed weenies fresh off the fire. That's when a hot dog taste best (especially when you're out hunting). We then fell asleep under the stars to the sounds of elk bugling and song dogs way off in the distance. Couldn't ask for a prettier night as the moon was near full, and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky the entire night! Woke up Sunday morning and managed to get a couple (1 Ruffed and 1 Blue) just behind camp. Should've limited out as the Ruffed had a few friends, but they were just too quick for me.

My boy was quite the trooper as he carried the birds the 3 miles we had to hike to get back to camp. I didn't hear him complain once. On the way home he thanked me for taking him along, and told me he had a great time. As a dad, nothing could've pleased me more than to hear him say that. It's experiences like this which I will look back on with fondness as I hope he will when he's older also. Good Times!


"A man can be hard to find in the mountains, but you're welcome at my fire anytime."
My wife and I had a great opener. We set up camp at 11,000 feet and headed for an area I hunt every opener.
My new English pointer I got from Tanner Kennels out of Tuscon handled like a seasoned pro. We got a few blues and spent and excellent weekend.

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