Utah Grouse Hunters?

had to work all weekend hoping to go to sinks area in northern utah this next weekend, anybody been up in that area
Went up with my 5 year-old boy on Saturday. We own some private property up by Hardware. Didn't see a single bird whereas last year we saw a ton. With the increased moisture (compared to last year), I think that might have them scattered somewhat, and less concentrated by water sources. We got most of our birds close to water last year. There's still a lot of foliage up there for this time.

Regardless of coming home empty-handed, it was a fun trip. The weather was nice, and we got some exercise. We probably hiked close to 4 miles, and my boy Ty did alright. I was proud of him. We did some plinking with the .22 before we left for home, and my boy is a good shot! I was pleasantly surprised, and very impressed. Looks like I've got a lot to look forward to. But most importantly, when your 5 year-old tells you on the way home that it was just fun being out in the mountains, you know it was time well spent, and a great lesson is being learned.


"You're welcome at my fire anytime!"
My experiece this year is the opposite of what everyone else has said. I've seen lot more birds year (mostly ruffed though.) Hunted Salt Lake County opening morning and didn't see as many as I've seen throughout the summer. I flushed about 10 birds (a couple of repeats I'm sure) and managed to get one shot & one bird. Used a 28 single shot that was given to me this year by a friend. Great little mountain gun that fits in a backpack when taken apart.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-04 AT 08:46PM (MST)[p]EYEGUARD, Do you live in Hyrum and have a female shorthair?

No I don't live in Hyrum (but wish I did). I envy those that have a place like Blacksmith's Fork and Logan for a backyard. Wish I had a huntin' dog too. =)


"You're welcome at my fire anytime!"
Contrary to what the DWR has said, I have not seen nearly the amount of grouse this year (as opposed to last year), and am thinking the numbers may be down. Or possibly, that since we have had more water this year, they are more scattered.

I am going to give it another try tonight and will probably be hunting near Bear Lake. Its my Drathaars first full season of hunting and hopefully I will be able to see if it will hold a point.


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