Utah Gov Tags ?

deer tag 265000 the elk tag i dont recall but will look in the book i wrote it in when it sold but i think 210000 for the elk
>deer tag 265000 the elk tag
>i dont recall but will
>look in the book i
>wrote it in when it
>sold but i think 210000
>for the elk

did you type that right? 2 hundred and sixty five THOUSAND dollers? F-me . who in the heck drops that kinda money for a deer or elk?
When Mule deer are going the way of the Dinosaur people want to get their chance. They will pay sick money to get a animal that is soon to be gone as we know it.

The rate Utah is going we won't be hunting mule deer very much unless you got a private ranch or lots of money.

The writing is on the wall.

one henrys deer tag went for 95000 n the other went for 110000 yes i said one hundred and ten thousand dollars n the elk went over 200k the nm 5species tag went for 135000
heck they sold an american flag at that auction for 20 grand probably because in another year america as we know it will be gone
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-10 AT 10:18AM (MST)[p]>When Mule deer are going the
>way of the Dinosaur people
>want to get their chance.
>They will pay sick money
>to get a animal that
>is soon to be gone
>as we know it.
>The rate Utah is going we
>won't be hunting mule deer
>very much unless you got
>a private ranch or lots
>of money.
>The writing is on the wall.

Tony, could you update your e-mail address on MM. Everything I send you comes back undeliverable!! Nate Adams
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-10 AT 01:14PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-10 AT 01:13?PM (MST)

it is true he bought all three & still going to by more in other states said he makes more in intrest than tags cost.its either buy tags or give it to goverment .what would do.!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-10 AT 09:13PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-10 AT 09:12?PM (MST)

I like the fact that the money goes to help the animals and their habitat,,BUT I don't think its right for only the rich people to hunt the BIG hunts every year. when 90 % of us wait to draw..but its just my opinion,,,no offense intended

its turning into a rich man's sport.

I just don't think that's right.
" deer tag 265,000 "....

If that is true, do you think there is an outfitter out there who has an unbelievable deer found...?

Maybe they hinted to this Deep-Pocketed individual that it would be a new state (Or World) record...? I can't imagine a tag going for that much, in Utah, otherwise. (Maybe on the Strip)
I think it's awesome that people can buy those tags. They must have worked hard at there chosen profession to afford to drop that kind of money on tags. That what this country is all about.
The guy who got the tags is an oil guy from vernal area. He did get deer, elk, and sheep gov. tags. Got in a bidding war with other oil guys from the same area and that resulted in the price being driven up so high.
Maybe Big Jesus is right.

All tags in the state should go out to private companies to the highest bidder. The guys who payed the most or can, obviously deserve to hunt more than the guy with less money. Heck fishing should be the same. Privatize Strawberry Res and those who can pay or will should experience world class trout fishing.
Thats not the point, i'm not on here trying to get in a pissing match about how the system works or does not work. Take it for what it is that guy is going to have a heck of a hunting year, but so am i with my OTC tags
His point is that every year more and more tags go towards auctions, and governors tags etc. etc. (for the good of the habitat or not it is irrevelant to what he is saying) Every tag that goes there is one less than your 12 year old boy or your 75 year old dad who worked his A off faught in numerous wars etc. could have. the point is this state and many others are seeing the revenue it brings, and they are in fact taking this sport in a very expensive direction, in such an expensive direction that if things don't stop soon, it will be a privelage only the wealthy can do. Whats next, paying to drive up into the same national forests our grandfathers faught for, oh wait you already have to pay for that. See his point now? Or do you still beleive that only the wealthy should be able to hunt because they were such hard working people. Most of them now days, are silver spooners. You know the ones feeding off of what their fathers or grandfathers did so don't go down the road of hard work and this great country bull. It has to stop or you and i will both be saying "remember those times when we use to camp up that canyon, and hunted with our families". then it will turn to video games, and porn.
The bidding war is actually a funny story. The guy who was bidding against the winning bidder was some guy who lived in salt lake city who owned a construction company and supposedly built a lot of bridges. The whole time the deer tag was on the block the guy kept asking my 10 year old son if he should bid on the tag again. My son kept telling him heck yeah! You seem like a really nice guy and really deserve that tag. He was gonna quit bidding around 150k but my son convinced him to go to 260k at which point every one of us was telling him to let it go. I can't help but wonder if the guy at my table wasn't just driving that tag up. He purposely drove up the price of other items and never got stuck with anything expensive. He did try to drive up a diamond ring and ended up buying it for 7k but at least he didn't have to pay 265k for the tag. I also found my booklet from that night and someone earlier posted the gov elk tag went for 130k. Well, they were right it only brought 130k and only one of the henry deer tags went over 100k, the other went for 80k.
thanks greysriver, I couldn't have said it any better. I just hope that we all can still hunt in 30 - 40 years down the road.
The tags sold for a lot of money. That gentleman spent $605 thousand dollars. I keep thinking that it takes money to run all this work that is being done to help out wildlife. The bridges and the fences and the chaining of trees as well as the reseeding that goes on plus other things. Where is that money to come from if not from the sale of the tags. You mention it will be a rich mans sport, will if the cost of a permit to the public has to raise the money to do all the projects then it will be a rich mans sport for the permits will cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars for the general public. We should be thankful for those with money who buy these tags for high dollars as it keeps our tags at a lower rate.
Well just to be specific. I understand the 605 came from us. Taxpayers and the oil he sucked out of the ground on public land. On the backs of his ruffneck employees. That I am certain never had a financial worry with the wages he pays. And are thrilled he made enough money to get into a bidding war with the surplus for one heck of a yr of hunting. Just kidding. Im sure he's a hard working smart guy who is just enjoying the fruits of his labor. Lucky bastard.
Good ole Utah, All about the Mighty dollar and the only thing they do with that dollar is ruin their herds more and more every year.

If I am not mistaken, Nevada's Gov deer tag was at the expo as well as Colorado's, Wyoming's, Arizona and others. I know in the past there has been Oregon's, Nebraska, California, and others.

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