utah FNAWS


Very Active Member
PleaseDear, anyone...to whom do I direct a membership question? Me mudder bought me a membership last year, I never received a thing, then suddenly the paper is showing up at her address. I would really like to get it resolved, as my app guy and wife are on the next cover of Ovis.

Hey Lisa,
Larry and his wife were on the cover of Grand Slam/Ovis in the issue that came out a couple weeks ago. That is a different membership than UFNAWS.... but maybe I can still help. Give me a holler. cb
Larry has been on the last 2 covers of Grand Slam/Ovis magazine. You can join Grand Slam/Ovis, don't need to have killed a sheep slam or even killed a sheep.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
UFNAWS big banquet is this Feb. 12th down at the SouthTowneExpo convention place.

I think your other question has been answered......

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