Utah expo decision- contact info


Active Member
I don't want this to be a bash SFW, Utah, or the DWR thread. If you feel the less beneficial decision for Utah wildlife, businesses, sportsmen, and the 200 public permits was made today, here is some contact info and links of who we can contact and at least voice our opinion on the issue. Be respectful and informative with your emails or phone calls on why this was a bad decision and whether you will support it or those involved with it anymore. If you have any extra contact info you think would be beneficial add it to the thread.

DWR contact information:
Email: [email protected]

DWR Director:
[email protected]
(801) 538-4702

Title sponsor:Ammo&More
[email protected]

Wildlife board:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Link to list of sponsors:

Map of exhibitors: (zoom in for names)

Now, I actually feel bad to some extent because this money is beneficial in some ways. If you want change and less corruption eventually there are points you have to stand up and say no more. I think the issue of SFW and our DWR has gotten to that point. If you don't agree with the way this process took place and believe our state lost out on a lot of benefits it's time to put some pressure on this issue. I personally will not attend the expo, pay application fees, and try to not support those involved in sponsoring it either, including Cabelas which should just leave my pockets fuller. If you're a nonresident and you question Utahs legitimacy I would stop applying. The best way to make a point is to hit someone's pocket books, then maybe they'll start listening.
>I'm tired of listening to your
>horse craps. Can I
>have your email address and
>phone numbers. :D

I think we argue enough already.

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