There is a meeting at 6pm tonight at the brigham city community center for those who want to voice opinions on the changes for next year... since I know how opinionated you all are, I thought I would let you all know... Oh and one tommorrow as well but I think it is south of SLC.
I went to Brigham City and voiced my views and the board still voted in favor of Option one 12-0.

"I went to Brigham City and voiced my views and the board still voted in favor of Option one 12-0."

That don't surprise me. I guess we can set back and watch what they choose.
What were the views of the majority of the people and what did you guys express to the rac board?
I spoke with a member of the RAC recently. He expressed to me that there is no way the RAC will pass going to the 29 unit management strategy, when the plan is lacking so much necessary detail.

He made it clear that the DWR is not in favor of the 29 units, because they claim they lack the resources necessary to magage that way.

A lot of people are in favor of micro-management, but it needs to be done right. More accurate idea of deer numbers to start...not setting a pre-determined amount of tag cuts, when you have no idea of each units needs at this point in time...making harvest reporting mandatory to increase data reliability...things of that nature.

So, unless something major is done within the UDWR's managment structure (i.e. new faces/new ideas/creativity in earning revenue), or some other entity is put in charge of mule deer management, or the entire system of getting management strategies changed (i.e. RAC/Wildlife Board) is changed...I don't ever see mule deer management going in the right direction in this state.

Pretty sad if you ask me.

>I went to Brigham City and
>voiced my views and the
>board still voted in favor
>of Option one 12-0.

First I enjoyed your hunt adventure story and hope you connect on a buck before the extended is over.

Second I'm not sure you understand the slippery slope that we could be going down with option 2. I assume you enjoy hunting every year and have taken advantage of the statewide archery after your first trip down south.

Third I really enjoyed your comments at the RAC. "Hunters are lazy and don't get out of their trucks"
The slippery slope that we should be scared of is the fact that our deer herds are plummeting. We should focus on the health our deer herds not whether we should be hunting every year. The Northern region amazes me with their denial of the direction our herds are headed!

There are not enough deer in Utah...FOR REAL.
Please someone that is educated on this fill me in

I am nominating that for post of the
century on Monster Muleys!

Your are spot on.
If done right, going to 29 units will allow the DWR to go in and make a more accurate count of our deer herd, thus being able to manage bucks to does more effectively. To accomplish this they will give out tags in each unit according to the buck to doe ratio. I am sure this will cut tag numbers to be effective and that is why they do not want to go to this option. No matter what option we go to, tags must be cut big time to make any difference, going from 94,000 to 87,000 is a 7% cut that will not even come close to the tag numbers needed to effectively bring back the bucks. I know that this does not address the deer herd and I am with you that also needs major help but at least it will help in the buck department. If you stay in the region which are huge people just migrate to where the best hunting is and there is overkill in these areas, which pretty soon leads us to where we are now, with no deer herd or bucks.
Selling a imited number of tags in each of 29 units would limit the harvest in any specific unit. With proper management, tag numbers could be set based on actual population data and previous harvest rates in a given unit.

As it is today, if a particular sub-unit in a region has good habitat, low winter kill, or just successful deer recruitment, then many hunters will hammer that unit in the next couple years. Then they move on to other units once that areas is nearly shot out. Hunters today are mobile, and do not always hunt the same area year after year. If even half of one region's hunters showed up in a specific unit on a given year, the deer herd would be in trouble. The region model only works when deer are relatively plentiful throughout the region, causing hunters to spread out among unit fairly evenly. Sadly, this is not the current state of affairs.

I live in and hunt the southern region every year, the main reason why the 29 units would help is to help with hunt pressure, I would say over 70% of the tags on the southern region are focused on cedar mtn, on the pine valley, or in enterprise... That by itself will devastate the deer population when every single deer that has horns is getting taken out of a unit.
And by reducing BUCK HARVEST we are going to grow more DEER how???

I'm done banging my head on the wall with you douchebags!!! You don't get it and you never will!!!!



I am nominating that for post of the
century on Monster Muleys!

Your are spot on.
Wiley, Not everyone is saying that
reducing buck harvest will grow
more deer.

Thanks mtnrunner260. I understand that Option 2 is not for everyone, and I am not surprised that people are against it. This is actually my first year hunting the front on the extended hunt. I actually took a shot today at a rutting buck. I shot in front of him and missed when he was walking uphill. I generally hunt Monday-Thursday after the opener on the Zion and Panguitch Lake areas with my bow. With school is is tough to go more than that with the 6 hour drive. Last year I shot my buck in like 30 minutes down there so I didn't get to hunt the extended hunt. I have been out 5 times now this year. I have only seen 2 little bucks on the extended so far. But I have a gut feeling that they are going to attack the does I have been watching really soon. If I don't get one that is okay by me, I love to hunt and hike at the same time.

I thought I was going to get my butt kicked when I said, "Hunters are lazy and they don't get out of their trucks." But I made it home in one piece.

I am very interested to see what the state does with the deer next year, and I hope it works.

I am nominating that for post of the
century on Monster Muleys!

Your are spot on.

Throw me some extra Aluminum will ya ww?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Maybe we should shoot all the bucks so the does won't have any competition on the winter range. That will surely help the numbers!
Double the buck tags and lengthen the seasons. Half as many bucks means less competition on the winter range. In a couple years we'll have more deer than people!
Better yet we should shoot all the fawns that are bucks so they don't compete with the doe fawns.
Nice ones, You Rockets Scientists got me there.

I am nominating that for post of the
century on Monster Muleys!

Your are spot on.


I am nominating that for post of the
century on Monster Muleys!

Your are spot on.
To iliveinthewoods,

wow, I thought all the hunters in southern utah were on the beaver unit with me!!
this obviously shows way too many tags out there, with the hunter congestion the way it is.
you guys that insist on hunting every year. do you like to watch a 2 point run the gauntlet and have 15 guys shooting at it across a hillside.
I don't. reduce tags if for the sake of hunter congestion only
would be worth it to me. I'll pay twice as much for my tag every other year , if there were half as many hunters.
NV How was it when Utah had 250,000 hunters in the hills
and ya never heard a peep about hunter congestion???

Your philosophy coincides perfectly with the Limited Entry System in Utah... If you want to have that kind of hunt then take yourself out of the GENERAL SEASON hunts. Go ahead and apply for 15 years and get r done.

What D-BAGS like HNTBIG don't realize is that we need more deer to provide for a GENERAL SEASON OPPORTUNITY HUNT. This in turn will equate, in percentage, to a few more big bucks to
keep him and guys like him in the game. The GENERAL SEASON HUNTS are not in place for guy's like him to get on a magazine cover or to somehow validate his worth as a hunter. They are here to keep HUNTERS IN THE FIELD AND PROVIDE OPPORTUNITY, NOT WHAT THE INCH OBSESSED WOULD CONSIDER A TROPHY.

Look if you can't find a decent buck in Utah to drop the hammer on I'd bet the reason is staring right back at you in the mirror. Do something different, hunt somewhere else or try a different weapon.

It's funny how a certain handfull of guys CONSISTENTLY take big deer. SWBUCKMASTER and SILENTSTALKER are a couple. Why do they consistently do this??? Simple they know the area they are hunting, they know what is in the area and they know that they are several miles, usually straight up, from the nearest road or ATV trail.

Look don't confuse yourself by trying to turn Utah's General Season hunt in to the Henry's or Paunsagunt.. It won't and should never happen.

Grow more deer plain and simple. You don't grow more deer by reducing buck harvest. You only lose hunters and opportunity so the likes of the above mentioned, that just can't understand basic biology or the current statewide management plan, can validate themselves as the mighty hunter.

I am nominating that for post of the
century on Monster Muleys!

Your are spot on.
Thanks CATMAN.... that's pretty damn good

I am nominating that for post of the
century on Monster Muleys!

Your are spot on.
Ok this whole view on the the reduction of 4000 tags isnt gonna help, this state should be micromanaged. The reason your counts are accurate and you put a pressure point on a problem herd. Utah needs to cut alot more than 4000 I dont think 13000 would be enough cuts. Kids in the grays river area in wyoming dont even like to hunt because management is preached by their parents you can literally go in those dranages and look at 24 inch bucks right off the roads their dads wont let em shoot em so they dont like it but you also see the results of it as well they constantly kill huge deer on there general units. ya we do need more deer and we need to reduce our antlerless tags as well. we need more road closures as well. I could care less i would rather draw every couple yrs and hunt monster bucks.And everybody has to use the we want to hunt with our family cop out well if your that selfish then this is what you will get a state where we only kill spike and two points. And let our DNR keep brainwashing you into the fact they wont change it because theyll lose hunters well fine by me id much rather not run into a bunch of people im willing to stick it out and put in the time to draw a tag. And if your worried about hunting every year buy an idaho tag put in for wyoming nevada colorado new mexico if you put in out of state and do it right youll almost always get a tag somewhere if you want one bad enough youll put in the investment. I do not believe our DNR there biologists are lazy and when i drew my vernon tag last year that biologist was no help at all he couldnt tell me anything i didnt know and everything he told me i did the opposite. Nevada has a limited quota of tags colorado does as well as idaho and other states they constantly kill monster bucks in those states and they are micromanaged it works. Their habitat projects have benifitted mainly elk and cattle. They are nothing but a bunch of money hungry #######. And for you who are worried about not drawing a tag hunt sheds video animals help someone with a tag im worried about our herds we need to get em back and get the good genes back. I was at the springville meeting and i expected that every seat would be full im guessin there were 100-150 people there. I expected a lot more people would show.
Maybe we need to get rid of the guys that are consistantly killing deer. How about if you shoot a deer this year you are not allowed a deer tag the next year. Kind of like the dedicated hunter program of 2 deer in three years. With that kind of program a person would have to be darn sure that the deer they shot at is worth missing the next years hunt for...
I would really like to see someone address the dedicated hunter program. It is a good way for the DOW to get some free labor, but it is rough on our herds. I see guys in the woods carrying around their bows that are 30 years old and they don't practice. I even heard of a guy last year wounding 5 different bucks. If they want to continue the dedicated hunter program, these guys should have to pick the weapon that they would like to hunt with instead of letting them hunt with all 3 weapons during all 3 seasons.
NV How was it when Utah had 250,000 hunters in the hills
and ya never heard a peep about hunter congestion???

Wiley.... I have read some stupid comments but some how you have eclipsed stupid!

Option #2 is the obvious choice but will never happen because it dosen't fit the DWR model.

And another thing.... when has this state EVER been managed for the benefit of wildlife? Never! Hunting is big business period. So lets not get our panties in a wad. Lifetime, Land Owners, Dedicated, Auction, Youth, Extended, Primitive.... BLAH..BLAH...BLAH...

Nobody gives a crap about management unless it serves their special interest.

And that will never change!

Thanks SLICK I have been pretty much a plick...

SLICK do you realize that we are already managing under a micro status??? They ran 3 day hunts on several units last year under this system. The are proposing to take several units this year and run them as LE units. What more needs to be done??

Going back to my point about having 250K hunters in the field and
never hearing a complaint was the norm... School was out.. Southern Utah had More Californians the Utahans and it was all good. Ask an old timer like me.. I lived it, did you???

Alright I'm done being a plick. Seriously if any of you that are in favor of going to 29 units would read the current deer plan and listen to what is being proposed under option 1 and 3 at the RACs and provide me with a valid reason to turn Utah's general season hunts in to straight Limited Entry I'd pay attention.
Right now all of you are not informed to the extent you should be
you are buying a bill of goods that won't amount to anything. It's been proven since 1994 when we cut our tags by more than half... We don't have more bucks let alone deer. Biologically it is not logical either. You are going about this in the absolute least effective way.

Educate yourselves... Don't listen to me, don't listen to Peay, Don't listen to Tom Hatch or Keele Johnson figure it out for yourselves.

I am nominating that for post of the
century on Monster Muleys!

Your are spot on.
ya I lived the good old days of 600,000 deer. With 3/100 buck doe! Problem is we only have 240,000 deer now. With plenty of winter and summer range to spare! Anis himself told me personaly that they try to manage by unit but lose control when the hunts open in the region system. So no we do not currently manage for each unit. Numbers are averaged throughout the region! We are not focusing on each unit and it's unique issues.....FACT! The reason we have cut tags for 20 years and still lost deer the fact that the DWR has failed at managing our deer herds! Don't try and blame it on special intrest and the board. If they would have done their job special intrest groups would not have our tags or much support. The Board would leave them alone like any other boss does to a good employee. They have failed and like any bad employee it is everybody but their own fault!

There are not enough deer in Utah...FOR REAL.
So I think we can put wiley down in favor of hunter congestion.

By the way, I was around in the day's of 250,000 hunters.
Yup, I cussed all the prune pickers coming to southern utah.
I've always disliked the sea of orange.
It's just there was no internet back then for me to b**ch about
AND, There were alot more older class deer in the herd.
Where are all the older class bucks? I know straight up.
In 25 years they've all learned to go high and stay there.

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