Utah desert sheep

  • Thread starter Ihuntthereforeiam
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LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-10 AT 11:20AM (MST)[p]My uncle shot this ram on October 23rd. He scouted and hunted for more than 20 days and finally we found a group of rams with a couple of good ones. This was the biggest ram in a group of 5 and he was a no-brainer. We got a tip on these sheep from a friend, thanks again.

I got in on some photos

The whole crew

Shoot em till their dead
What am I doing wrong? I can't pull up the pics at all.
I wanna see the ram!!!!!!!!!

That's better.

I love the pics! Thanks a bunch.

Congrats to your whole Family. Great ram, great hunt!

Awesome ram!

Congrats. Always great to have the family be there when dreams come true!

BTW which unit did you hunt?
That is a San Rafel South ram, according to the fish and game he is 8 years old and scores 158. They said its the 2nd biggest ram to come off the unit. It was one of the funnest/toughest/drive you crazy hunts ive ever been on and i didnt even have the tag.

Shoot em till their dead
congrats to your uncle, that is a pretty ram. The AZ tag I have opens in a little over a week and I can only hope to see one that nice for my hunt. Thanks for sharing the pics and let me know how he tastes as I have never eaten sheep before. Hope I like it if I am fortunate enough to punch my tag!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-10 AT 06:59PM (MST)[p]A 158 Ram is good in any Utah Unit. That is a very nice old heavy top tier ram, especially for the South San Rafael!

And Bruin, as far as sheep meat goes, it is Faaantastic!
I still have some of my Dall in the freezer and I think I am going to get some out for tomorrow!
Yum Yum, and you can't have any Zeke!
I don't know if i would agree with LittleBigHorns Statement about how sheep meat is "Fantastic". If you like the taste of dog, then yes it's great! haha
Very nice ram!! Congrats and like has been said before, a 158 is great anywhere in Utah but from what I have seen and heard it is way great in South. WTG
>I don't know if i would
>agree with LittleBigHorns Statement about
>how sheep meat is "Fantastic".
> If you like the
>taste of dog, then yes
>it's great! haha

Keep the meat out of your dog kennel before you cut it up!

Take the guts out or quarter it, remove the hide, don't drive around for a week with it rolling around in the back of your truck, age for a week at 38 degrees, cut it up yourself removing all the junk...... sounds like taking care of any other good piece of meat!

If you don't follow proper meat handling (see above) it will taste like... well... Tag173 evidently knows! LOL

Hey we quartered it, removed the hide, and had it on ice that night. Still not my favorite meat. haha

I don't know how you cooked your sheep, but I ate almost a whole backstrap last night by myself. I did let my wife have a few pieces! It was DELICIOUS!!!!!!!
Oh and Zeke, if you are really nice, maybe I will bring you a few steaks...when I finally bring back your gun case....Sorry.
We took the backstraps from a dall sheep last year and immediately cooked them over a fire with a stick. I can honestly say that it was the best steak I have ever had in my life.

Awesome ram. Congrats!
Awesome Ram!!! I have a few points built up, and if i'm lucky I should draw within the next 2-3.....decades. Great job and thats cool all the kids were there enjoying a once-in-a-lifetime hunt

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