Utah Desert Bighorn Units

Interesting how you suggest "hunting" near the virgin and beaver.

Hmmmmmm...the more things change the more they stay the same.

Well one thing is for sure, there is no virgin/beaver in Wa. state!
I also made a mistake. The unit isnt listed as the beaver dam anymore its pine valley/ virgin river.
Ok codsteraz I looked at your profile and your an Az. resident. You guys have got the biggest deserts down there I would suggest killing one of them! But If your hunting Ut. you better put in on the Kiaparowits. That is the best Non res unit. You could kill a book ram there(with lots a luck) but a 155-160 ram is about average.
You cant hunt those virgin river sheep as a non Res. For the most part they are Az. sheep just crossing back and forth into Ut.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-05 AT 04:05PM (MST)[p]Actually I'm a Utah resident going to school in AZ. I just have been putting in for bonus points in Utah for past few years. I have never put in for AZ but might look into it. Kiaparowits is the unit I usually put in for but I was unsure which one of the Kiaparowits units was the best.
Hunt # 959 contains the largest rams and the season dates are the best for hunting Desert Bighorns. It is only for residents though, no non-resident tags.
I only have 8 points in Utah for desert sheep. I don't need a record book ram just a good wall mount. What do you think about San Rafael North area. Or what area would be the best to get a nice ram on your own. I'll have to do a do it yourself hunt. I can't aford a guide.
San Rafel has the hardest draw odds of all the units with exception of the pine valley/virgin river. It also boasts the smallest rams. On the up side if your looking for an easy sheep hunt that is it. access is easy and killing a ram is not very hard. A 150 class ram is about as good as you will do in those 2 units. Dont worry about finding sheep in any unit if you draw, I know some guys that are always looking for a sheep hunt.
I would highly recommend that non-residents apply for the San Rafael as I entered the winning application for the Kaiparowits, Escalante tag just yesterday.

I have already signed up for my vacation and contacted an outfitter. Its a done deal.

For a guy who won the New Mexico raffle, I guess 1500 to 1 odds aren't that much of a stretch! Best of luck to you on that second Desert! It's a good thing I applied for the San Rafael.
Ramslam. My brother calibrates the computers that end up drawing the lucky contestant winners. I slipped a grand under the table to him last Christmas at dinner. He didn't mention your name ? Not so good news....... I put in for Kaiporowits too. There is still time for you to put "the odd's in your favor" as I could use the 1,000.00 back. Let's talk. :)
I am laughing out loud right now.

Good one BB. (Not as good as the Karoake Oufitters but a good one none the less)

Tell your brother thanks for the elk tag last year.
No, just a sheep-a-holic who remembered your article in Eastman's. What a dandy of a Desert, by the way!
Great!!!!!!! Ramslam, I knew you would would book with us. All payments will be in Budlight and copenhagen. We'll take half down right now. Oh and we dont supply earplugs......... Wait a minute, your not booking with us just for the women, are you? That will cost you another case and 4 cans a cope, with a Jim Beam trophy fee! And dont touch MY microphone!!!!

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