Utah CWMU Moose ????


Long Time Member
I am wondering if any of you have any insight on the CWMU units for Utah. Are any of them worth applying for? I have around 9 points and would really like to hunt the moose with my Bow. I have heard horror stories about CWMU's and am a bit nervous about putting in for them. Any insight or ideas would be great. Send a PM or an e-mail to: [email protected]

Thanks in advance!

There are some great CWMUs and some not so great.

Unless you know the operator or person incharge of the hunting, or know first hand how they handle the public hunters, I personally wouldn't gamble a once in a lifetime hunt on a CWMU.

Good luck!
Been on the Florence/Weber a couple of times and my dad drew a bull moose tag.

Steve and Garrett where great to my dad even though he couldn't hunt the early dates that they wanted him to. No problem at all with them...... honest guys...I even bought a buck voucher....kool place for sure.
Hi Robb:

We talked a couple years ago. You mentioned that your dad drew a bull elk tag on the Weber/Florence CWMU. That's pretty lucky that he also got a moose tag there. My dad and brother ended up putting in for this unit and drew their elk tags. We were not very happy with the date switching they pulled on us - understandably due to ensuring that their $$ paying clients were satisfied. Definitely not the "rut" hunt that they provided your father; mid-October was just not good. Seems that they justify their quantity of CWMU tags with the COMPLETE acreage of the ranch, but except for a small fraction of the ranch access is not made available to CWMU tagholders. We also noticed ATV tracks - which we assumed were made by their $$paying$$ clientelle - ATV use was not allowed to us. We saw about 6 or 8 moose - only one young bull - and we saw a couple of dandy bucks, one going approx 32" - 34" All in all, we could not give a positive recommendation for this CWMU. We have had experience with 2 other CWMUs which were EXCEPTIONAL - my brothers both had nice moose hunts on Chalk Creek units (one of those units is no longer available) - dad was along on both. The managers there were VERY flexible with access, dates, other allowances (number of non-hunter guests, ATV use, etc etc).

Anyway, good luck to all hunters putting in this year! Oh, and another thing...definitely DO NOT FORGET to submit your hunt results/survey.

Sorry, thats screwy, October hunt dates.....for bull elk...maybe they get pushed off the Uinta's from the General elk hunt and down into the ranch?? and that is why they changed them a month later?? more elk on the ranch? Or so they where planning for....
Yeah, that was the pitch - that the elk would be pushed onto the ranch from the public/general areas to just above the river. We saw about 3 dozen head is all - couple of spikes and a raghorn. A couple of the other hunters we talked to there were not too happy either. As for October - again, that is what is open after they fill all the tags of their high-paying clientelle. And with that pitch, I can see that some would not be too concerned about the limited (none) access to the upper part of the ranch. Oh well, at least my dad drew. It wasn't a Book Cliffs hunt like me and my other brother had, but it was nevertheless a "hunt." Unfortunately, in the not too distant future point attrition will be due more to folks taking them to their grave - or becoming too old to use them. Shame.

If I can get my dad out with me on my WY moose hunt this year, I will consider it a successful hunt - as all hunts with him have been.

Talk to you later, Robb!

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