Utah cowboy doing well


jeff (Guest)

I dont know if anybody here knows Cody Wright, I met him at the bryce canyon rodeos about 5 years ago and was very impressed with his attitude and devotion to the sport of rodeo. Last year he was rookie of the year but broke his leg so couldnt ride in the NFR this year he is leading in prize money won and shot up 3 places to 3rd place. He may not win it this year but he will be a champion very soon. Hats off to Cody ride tough and live the dream.
I met Cody years ago at a rodeo in Southern Utah, when I used to ride. He was a heck of a nice guy and a great cowboy!! Its good to see Utah cowboys like him, BLue Stone, and Lan Lajunesse doing so well in the sport of Professional Rodeo.....
He ended up winning around $101,000 pretty good wages there is not alot of utah cowboys and cowgirls that make it to the NFR but the ones that have do very well. I think rodeo is in my opinion the best sport out there because of the positive attitudes that surround it. Wish I was doing it again, maybe if I lose a little weight and get back in shape. Hope to see Blue, Lan, and Cody tie up all the rough stock next year that would be awesome.
I know him, from my home town of Milford, his sister married my cousin.

They come from a great big family, and by the way he just won a major event in Las Vegas about a week ago.

way to go for a small town boy...
Good to see him doing so well. That would be awesome to see three Utah cowboys tie up the roughstock at the NFR...

I havent rode in a few years, but I still remember the great times I had. Rodeo is an awesome sport and the people who you compete with are awesome. Although ou are competing against each other, everyone still roots for one another and helps each other out as much as possible. Its a rarity to see professional athletes that treat each other in that manner.

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