Utah coal .........

Dean Parisian

Active Member
Hillary Clinton calls President Bush's talks with the Saudis about increasing oil output "pathetic." But it's not as pathetic as her co-president husband locking up billions of tons of clean coal in exchange for political contributions.

As Bush wrapped up his Middle East trip, Sen. Hillary Clinton commented: "President Bush is over in the Gulf now begging the Saudis and others to drop the price of oil. How pathetic."

A large part of America's energy dependence on foreign sources can be traced to Sept. 18, 1996, when President Bill Clinton stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon on the Arizona side and signed an executive proclamation making 1.7 million acres of Utah a new national monument.

While sitting on the Arizona side of the Grand Canyon, Bill Clinton signed an order that federalized 1.7 million acres of Utah.
Why would he dedicate a Utah monument while standing in Arizona? Well, this federal land grab was done without any consultation with the governor of Utah or any member of the Utah congressional delegation or any elected official in the state. The unfriendly Utah natives might have spoiled his photo-op.

The state already had six national monuments, two national recreation areas and all or part of five national forests. Three-quarters of Utah already was in federal hands. Still, the land grab was sold as a move to protect the environment.

At the time, the Clintons were worried that Ralph Nader's presence on the ballot in a few Western states would draw green votes from Clinton in a race that promised to be close after the GOP retook Congress two years earlier.

In fact, the declaration of 1.7 million Utah acres as a national monument, thereby depriving an energy-starved U.S. up to 62 billion tons of environmentally safe low-sulfur coal worth $1.2 trillion and minable with minimal surface impact, was a political payoff to the family of James Riady.

He's the son of Lippo Group owner Mochtar Riady. James was found guilty of ? and paid a multimillion dollar fine for ? funneling more than $1 million in illegal political contributions through Lippo Bank into various American political campaigns, including Bill Clinton's presidential run in 1992.

Clinton took off the world market the largest known deposit of clean-burning coal. And who owned and controlled the second-largest deposit in the world of this clean coal? The Indonesian Lippo Group of James Riady. It is found and strip-mined on the Indonesian island of Kalimantan.

The Utah reserve contains a kind of low-sulfur, low-ash and therefore low-polluting coal that can be found in only a couple of places in the world. It burns so cleanly that it meets the requirements of the Clean Air Act without additional technology.

"The mother of all land grabs," Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said at the time. He has called what was designated as the Grande Staircase of the Escalante National Monument the "Saudi Arabia of coal."

When Clinton signed the proclamation, he promised to exchange other federal lands for the land that was taken. But a fair exchange was impossible, Hatch said, since no other land in Utah had a trillion dollars worth of clean coal.

Rep. James Hansen, R-Utah, pointed out that a large portion of the coal-rich Kaiparowits Plateau within the monument belonged to the children of Utah. When Utah became a state in 1896, about 220,000 acres were set aside for development, and a trust fund was created to collect and hold all the revenues directly for the benefit of schools.

Margaret Bird, trust officer for the fund, said that because the land will not be developed, the schools stand to lose as much as $1 billion over the next 50 years. Phyllis Sorensen, head of the Utah chapter of the National Education Association, called Clinton's action a "felonious assault" and "stealing from the schoolchildren."

Stealing from children to reward Indonesian billionaires. How pathetic.

Reprinted without permission from the Investor Business Daily editorial section, 1/24/2008

I can't say much about this Utah monument because I'm not even sure where it is, is it land worthy of protection or worthless sage flats? remember that Teddy Roosevelt had things written about him just as what you have here.

You say this coal could solve or help solve our energy problems? not really, we have pretty a pretty fair supply of coal it's oil we're starving for, yes evergy is a commodity but oil is the premium. I'll throw this back at you and tell me what you think, the Gov. of Montana has asked and been promised clean oil technology funding many times from Bush and what has he gotten? last I heard zip. clean oil is fuel made from coal and is more environmentally freindly which even makes Gore happy. blame Bush first for the fact we're not making oil from coal before you blame Clinton because we can't get more coal. the Nazis made clean oil in WWII why can't we do it now?
Parts of it are worthy of protection, Dude. Not the whole parcel and it WAS cowardly to designate it in Arizona, especially when the whole Utah delegation and most of the state was against it.

If it hadn't been designated, there still would've been a fight over that coal though. The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and a couple of other groups wouldn't have given up easily at all.

Thanks for the information. If I'm not mistaken new coal fired power plants have to use this type of cleaner burning coal.

The Grand Staircase monument is essentially the Paunsagant. While I agree it was cowardly to make the proclamation from Az. it did accomplish a couple of things we are always talking about on this forum. All but established roads were closed. Off road access is strictly forbidden. The land will never be used for commercial development therefore it will remain wild and scenic for all to use. If we don't designate areas such as this as off limits to development sooner or later there will be no place to escape. In 2000 the Az. strip was designated the Parashant National Monument, all 1,000,000 acres of it. Not much to look at but still a good move in my opinion.

Cattle grazing, hunting and recreation is still allowed on these monuments.

I'll probably get skinned alive by friends and family for this post but so be it.

I wonder what kind of deals Hillary has made this time around? Shes taken a lot of foreign campaign money from the Chinese again. Wonder if she'll give up more technology like Bill did with the nuclear missile guidance systems that enabled the Chinese to target our cities?

These people should be tried for treason imo.
3blade; What nucler missile guidance system did Clinton give to the Chinese ?....This is interesting...RIMROCK

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