Utah Canyonlands????


Very Active Member
Gonna be driving back from Showlow AZ. to Central Idaho in a truck/camper in early March.
I've always wanted to see the Canyon lands area and have a week to ten days to burn..
Any advice on places that i just gotta see??
Any tips on Camping areas along the way??
Appreciate any info offered.......
Do you want to just see views or hike yer butt off? Some of Canyonlands is the most remote stuff in the lower 48, but it takes some getting to.

Several campgrounds, surrounded by lots of BLM outside the park, but it can be darn cold. Assuming you have heater, you'd be fine.

PM with questions if you like.

Thank you Pred, I plan on doing a lot of hiking, I will PM ya soon as i get a better handle on my route,, Thanks again..
Do they still offer a yearly Park pass & how much?

I know they'll nail ya about 20.00 at each entrance without a yearly Pass,don't know how many Parks you'll be going through so I don't which would be better for you?

Have Fun!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Better buy the yearly pass. 1st on the list would be Mesa Verde in Colorado. That down toward Utehunter's place send him a PM and see about doing some shed hunting with him.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Canyonlands is divided into three main parts, separated by big river gorges that can take a while to get around. I've camped in the needles district lots of times and there is tons of cool stuff to see, and lots of cool hikes. Its not quite the same since they closed down salt creek back in the day, driving up that used to be the highlight of the trip!

Many thanks all,,, I think I'm gonna start at the Grand canyon and just wing it from there, I ain't very good at planning anyway..
It will all be new to me so I should enjoy whatever comes my way..
There's a great campground near "wooden shoe" arch in canyonlands, gorgeous view and close to some great jeeping trails if your into that. Elephant hill is fun!

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