Utah Buck Count - UP


Very Active Member
You say "Oh, That's good". No - "Oh, That's bad".

We Left the house late afternoon today and saw 16 buck and probably 50 doe. The only problem is this same area we usually count 500 deer not 66.

We need more predator control even if it costs a lot more to hunt. The base herd is getting more dangerously low every year.

Big Game Board - Where are you?
Big Game Board - Where are you?

They're (DWR!) Jumping Up & Down because your Count = 32 Bucks Per 100 Does!

This Buck to Doe Management is the BIGGEST JOKE known to Hunters!

We need Deer Numbers!

Buck to Doe Ratio's will take care of theirselves when managed properly!

We also need some Mature Bucks left in the Field come the Rut!

I'll shut up now!


I'm not a Biologist & don't think you need to be one to see the Light!

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
>Big Game Board - Where are
>They're (DWR!) Jumping Up & Down
>because your Count = 32
>Bucks Per 100 Does!
>This Buck to Doe Management is
>the BIGGEST JOKE known to
>We need Deer Numbers!
>Buck to Doe Ratio's will take
>care of theirselves when managed
>We also need some Mature Bucks
>left in the Field come
>the Rut!
>I'll shut up now!
>I'm not a Biologist & don't
>think you need to be
>one to see the Light!

A BIG plus 1.

Who cares if the ratio is even 50/50 if you only have 2 deer in the State?
More deer please!
They're also reporting that overall deer numbers continue to go up. The DWR's graph shows a statistical positive population trend over the past 20 years. Only problem is...ITS BULL5HIT! And we all know it! Who here can honestly say they are seeing greater numbers of deer now than they did 5, 10 or 15 years ago. That graph is absolutely opposite of most of our in field observations. I don't get it.

And, for the numbers to suggest that the herds are nearly back to pre '92 crash numbers is just laughable! How can there be any confidence in managment when this is the picture being painted!?!
+1 Forkwest, I agree completely.

The unit that I have spent time in for the past 20 years is at an all time low for deer numbers as far as I can tell. But DWR keeps feeding us this horseshit how it is improving. Buck to doe ratios are decent, but overall deer numbers are suffering big time.
Hey ForkWest,
It's on a graph-chart! Everything is the truth if it's on a graph! Don't you know that? LMAO
1992 I was a senior in high school. I had a ton of hair, and a 34 inch waist. I guess if I just take a 34 inch tag and put it on my fat pants I can claim problem solved. Dear lord, I would have laughed if they tried to claim they were within 50% of where they were in 92', but to try to claim they are there?? REALLY????? Well hell, I guess THE DON and SFW really did save the mule deer, I will be dambed!! I haved solved my receeding hairline just like they do though, I wear a hat, it covers it up!!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Bess that is the best post Ive ever heard from you.

I sent a proposal to the deer committee saying the exact same thing. Stop the buck to do ratio crap and focus on herd objectives. Who cares if the buck to doe ratio is 50/100 and herd objective is at 40% capacity, it doesn't mean give more buck permits, it means we are 60% below objective. Buck to Doe ratios should only be a factor if they are too low, or the herd objective is met, then look at finding the balance of the right buck to doe.

We dont manage elk by a bull to cow ratio.

Let agree on one more thing Bess, Lions kill deer:) Just harassing you cause its fun and I haven't been on here for a while.
You guys are missing the point. I'm all for the smaller units. I'm all for buck to doe ratios. These separate entities should make DWR look very closely at each unit. But, and I mean a real big - BUT, buck to doe ratios should not be at the expense of the real problem which is the size of each herd. They seem to be more interested in the news media every time a cougar or bear comes into town than the real problem of eliminating some of them. The real problem is you and I, not being more aggressive than the animal rights activists. They yell and scream at them (DWR) and you and I smile and very nicely say your piece. What's the answer: If your going to be nice you better be willing to swarm them with numbers of people and I don't see that happening.

I'm and old fart and have seen the best of hunting and worst of hunting. In 1992 as far as I was concerned was a terrible year and you guys are thinking it was a starting point for a good year. They are saying deer herds are going up, which I doubt, but anyhow, it was a poor starting point, and if it had gone down we would not have any deer. In my hay-day a person could see 20 to 40 buck running together in most drainage's. These are not pheasants where habitat, clean farming, etc makes the difference. If we had predator control, we would have deer - - simple as that, but you have got to have listening ear(s). Many of them. Quit complaining about SFW and, again I say, swarm the DWR and others your complaints. If there are more of you than the animal right activists they will start hearing you.

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