Utah Bowhunters Survey


Long Time Member
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to let each of you know that we are conducting a questionaire to help gain info towards promoting bowhunting in the state of Utah. Please log on to BowhuntersofUtah.org . Click on the Logo, then once on the main page, click on the Big 2006 Survey. The more people we can get to participate the better.


OK Chad, I took your survey. I am a member of UBA but think that both organizations can and should work together for Utah bowhunters. Tell me what the survey is all about. I have a pretty good idea but want a little first hand information.

It's always an adventure!!!

This survey is designed to give us some data to defend our statewide opportunity. As many of you know we had a real close call this year at the wildlife board mtg. We had a proposal made last year from a 3 letter organization that I don't want to mention. It was tabled last year for a vote this year after going through all the RAC mtg's. The DWR actually presented slide after slide showing that the hunter numbers on the archery were not that different percentage wise from the other hunts and recommended that this proposal not pass. A member of the wildlife made a recommendation that the statewide opportunity be lost for the first 9? days of the hunt and ALSO that the general bowhunt be shortened by 17 days. BOTH UBA and BOU were caught off guard because after pursuing this during the year we had the DWR supporting the Statewide hunt, and the other 3 letter group did not really pursue it in the public eye. BOU AND UBA will be working directly with each other on this. We have a mtg. scheduled shortly to meet togther and work on this as a team. Which is the very best scenerio for all Bowhunters. I hope this helps answer your questions. If not, send me a PM, and maybe we can hook up on a phone call. Have a great day.

Chad - that's exactly what I was looking for. I had heard that SFW proposed this and wondered where they were getting their data to back that up. I have seen an increase in bowhunters in the areas that I hunt over the past 10 years but definately not enough to warrant a reduction in days in the field and a unit based hunt. I am glad to see that the BOU and UBA are working together on this. That is critical if we are going to benefit our sport. Thanks again for answering my questions.

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-06 AT 05:58PM (MST)[p]>I am a
>member of UBA but think
>that both organizations can and
>should work together for Utah

Absolutely, and you've got my respect for walking the talk. You're a good example for us all.

Well done, Chad.
Thanks guy's,

Tell your friends about the survey as we need a lot of people to take the survey to validate it. Good luck to you all in the draws and have a great Holiday season.
Not too bad Robb, we just need a large pool of people to take the survey. Tell your friends!! How was your day on the front last week?
done. One quick question, How long has The Bowhunters of Utah been together?
Done!!!!! Thanks Chad for gettin' us all goin' on this. You don't realize that this kind of stuff goes on sometimes so it is good to have people keepin' up on all of this. I need to be better.
Muley monster,

Bowhunters of Utah is a group in it's infancy. We are just wrapping up our 1st year. As we grow and learn we have made a few mistakes here and there but the future looks bright! We need help from all of you if you are interested. Join with us to help if you can!


Good to hear from you. Check your PM's


That is certainly something we would love to do. I know the rut is an ideal time to hunt elk with a bow. A lot of things need to be changed in order to accomplish this. Join us in our efforts. We need help and support! Have a great day!

The Big $$$ Machine needs to keep the rifle elk in the main rut dates. It would be way tough to get them to budge...

I think we would have a better chance at getting a week later on the Any Bull general units.

No go on the spike units... those are the LE Rifle bull dates..

Even if we had to trade the first week of the general bow elk dates in august to opener Sept. 1 thru Sept 21st type deal..... with the Youth Rifle elk starting the 22nd....

Just daydreaming thats for sure.....


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