Utah Bow Deer SOLD OUT


Active Member
Well, if you don't have your bow deer tag in UT - you're SOL. I think it sucks with the harvest odds being so low that UT even has a cap on bow hunters. Sure going to be a few late hunt people upset that didn't get a tag.
Serves them right! It isn't like they sold out the first day, or month.

Can of worms or not I couldn't agree with you more. Used to be that you could go out during to archery hunt and not see anyone, now there are people everywhere. I know they have as much right to be there as you or I but still... The problem is that there are so many of them that go out the week before the hunt, buy a bow, maybe shoot it, and then go out slinging arrows at anything they see.
>I know they
>have as much right to
>be there as you or
>I but still... The problem
>is that there are so
>many of them that go
>out the week before the
>hunt, buy a bow, maybe
>shoot it, and then go
>out slinging arrows at anything
>they see.

I agree with you guys. But it's not a right; it's a privilege. And that privilege should be tied to responsibility just like any other legal privilege. Unprepared archers are irresponsible and the animals pay the consequences for it. So do responsible hunters.

Responsible archery is the best management tool available today as evidenced by the extended archery hunts. But irresponsible bow hunting has no defense at all and we'd be wise to do everything we can in order to separate the two.

So I favor real and mandatory education courses (the online thing is a joke) and a time cap on tags - no tags sold 6 weeks prior to the hunt.
On second thought, the fact that anybody would think the online education course is indeed educational shows just how serious the problem is.
"On second thought, the fact that anybody would think the online education course is indeed educational shows just how serious the problem is."

Sad, but oh so true! I would also like to see some kind of shooting test as well. Something along the lines of AFTER the tag has been purchased, the tag holder must pass a shooting test and at that point the tag can be stamped either "valid" or "invalid". This would certainly put pressure on EVERYONE to familiarize themselves with their equipment and cut down on wounded game. I was in the sporting goods store just last night picking up some last minute items and was amazed at how many people were in there lined up getting measured for their first bow--these poor smucks probably didn't even have a clue that the tags were sold out!!!!
Keep going...

Why limit that to bow hunters? The rifle hunt is no different. Go up to the Holiday gun range and see the guy who just bought the latest super short magnum, hand it over to the guy in the little shed to sight it in three days prior to the hunt. Then preceeds to rip off a box of shells into a shotgun pattern and calls it good!
All of you UT hunters should atleast be thankful you don't have a game and fish director like we do here in NM. He extended the "dead line" another 5 days for those persons who were having difficulties submitting there hunt choices on the last day!TALK ABOUT BS!!!
It will always be about the almighty$$$$, and their own gain...
>So I favor real and mandatory
>education courses (the online thing
>is a joke) and a
>time cap on tags -
>no tags sold 6 weeks
>prior to the hunt.

That is a good idea. I was just at cabelas this week and i couldn't believe how many people were buying all new set ups, askng the clerks questions about good relases, good sites, carrying around a boat-load of new crap that im sure they saw on TV one time. Give me a break. So how has the shooting practice been going? Oh this is your first bow? Oh and you have never shot a bow. Oh ok. Let me direct you to the fishing department.

I just feel bad for all the forked-horns out there that are going have arrows in their hind legs. At least they won't get near the big boys.
There are exactly half as many bowhunters this year as there were in 1992. There were 30,000 archery permits sold that year. 22,000 the first year of choose your weapon in 1993. Since then from 1994 - this year there have been between 11,000 and 14,000 bowhunters out there.

If you are seeing people, like I did this morning, you're not getting out away from the crowds :)

I figured there would be no one on the Front today with everyone down south like everyone complains about so much. In reality, there were probably half the tag holders in Big Cottonwood and Mill Creek canyons. Seriously :)


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