utah archery antelope



Sorry if this has already been brought up...would appreciate any help anyone would have on what unit would be better. Box Elder, promontory or Box Elder, snowville. I know they are comprised of mostly private property. So assuming I can get landowner permission to hunt on either one, which unit would I have the best chance at a 14+ inch goat with my bow?
Promontory.... But you are asking alot looking for a 14+ antelope in either.
13in is more realistic, and I would try cache,north rich instead, seems bigger goats there than in bow elder county.


I have said this on several other posts, try for N.Rich. I can show you goats in the 14"+ plus range. BTW, the tag is easy to draw (for archery)and there is plenty of public land and animals.

Thanks guys for the info! Woodruffhunter, if I'm lucky enough to draw the archery tag I will be in touch.

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