Utah antelope


Long Time Member
I have hunted goats in Wyoming every year and see them everywhere. For as many years as we've driven through Utah, we've never seen antelope from the freeway. We come up through St. George all the way up through Provo. Where are all the goats? What part of the state are they in?
Probably the best place to see them from the highway would be on I-70 in the green river area...

Eastern Ut has a bunch.. Bonanza, 3-corners, Vernal.

Down south I would say Parker valley and in the Fish Lake area, since you only mentioned I-15 from St George to Provo I have to say you are too far east too see them from I-15, but then again I dont travel I-15 much so I may be wrong.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-07 AT 06:07PM (MST)[p]Just North of Cedar City on I-15 to Parowon you can see goats off to the West of the freeway. Not a lot of them but I see them quite often.
As mentioned, I also see them quite often north of parowan, on the west side of the freeway. I have also started seeing some right around the junction with I-70 on the west side of the freeway, right across from Cove Fort.
Thats the problem your on I15. There are other pretty routes though the state that will give you a better chance of seeing deer, antelope, elk, etc. Get off I15 and head east to 89, even onto 24 around the Boulder and by Fishlake and you will see everything.

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