Utah Antelope



Do any of you guys know a good guide in Utah for antelope. I know that I have enough points to draw the tag this year. Still not sure which units are the best. Any recommendations would also be good. Thanks in advance, Mark
Mark, I believe that Tony Grimmett does guide here as well as NM and AZ. He's pricey, but worth it.

If you just want help, gimme a call, I love to chase dem speedgoats!!
I know Tony. He is the best there is, but he is out of my price range. I have been applying for the San Rafel North. Do you know of some place else that might be better, Mark
Mark, if you mean by 'best' as in the best for a book goat, you are in the right unit. IF you mean 'best' as in lots of goats that you'll be hard pressed to choose between, there are some others. I take from your handle that you are a non-res?

You'd be surprised how much help you might get should you draw. I know lots of folks on this site that would be willing to help you, me included. I admit I do not know the San Rafael for goats; sheep, yes, goats no. But I believe the last record was taken from there.

You might try Rusty Hall of Trophy Hunter Magazine, he knows the records and where they come from, I'm sure he also would know a guide.

I'm sending you an e-mail....ok, it's a tease-mail of some Utah goats.

Mark, we worked the San Rafael this year and saw several bucks in the 84-85 inch range. If you're interested, or just want to talk antelope give me a call. 623-566-8708

Predator, send me some teaser pictures! I wanna see. :)
[email protected]

Tony Grimmett
Cleric??? Tony, you gotta be kiddin!! ROFLMAO......what, you trying to convince us of something??

See, Mark, told ya Tony was da man......
Predator, Thanks for the info. You said that you and others may be interested in helping out on the hunt. I am a N/R from Az. I assume that you live in the bee hive state. If so, were about? Have you yourself had the opportunity to hunt these speed goats. Thanks, Mark
Azarcher, You likly wont need a guide if you have a week to hunt. I hunted the unit last year. Not alot of lopers compared to wyoming. I hunted hard and shot a goat that grossed 82 and netted 81 4/8. I know one local kid that shot a 84 inch buck. You should have a good chance of a 80 inch buck. If you are after a buck that will net 82 inches local help or guide services would be worth it in my opinion. I would be willing to give you some helpful info if you draw.
Huntin 100,
I will draw the tag this year. I have the max points. I don't think that anyone else has the max. I would be real greatful for any kind of assistance that you could give me. Are you a local to the area? You can E-mail me at: [email protected] Thanks, Mark
AZ, sorry I just read this, yes I live in Utah, in Salt Lake. I have hunted E. Utah for the last three years. I would be willing to help you wherever you might draw, I think I'm getting fairly good at field judging. I just love looking at and chasing goats!

I'm sure I can find some folks more knowledgeable than I on other areas, if you are thinking of N. San Rafael.

Predator (Lisa), I'm sure I will be putting in for the N. San Rafael unit. Anything that you can find out would be great. I too am still learning how to score these antelope. I think its harder then most people think. Thanks, Mark
Mark, I believe antelope are by far and away THE hardest animal to judge on the hoof.....I'll start some calling and keep in touch.

Hope the pics helped a bit, it's like a friend once told me, then only difference between a 78" goat and an 82" goat is two inches on each horn....kinda puts things in perspective.

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