UT reg help


Very Active Member
My brother in law has 19 points for elk and was planning on using them this year for a great elk hunt in Utah. However, he just found out that his dad has stage 4 lung cancer and the doctors are giving him no more than a year to live. He can still get around okay but an easier unit that may be a little easier to get around would be best. My brother in law wants to give him one last hunt of a lifetime before he passes. So he called me today wondering if the UT fish and game would allow him to give his points to his dad. Is there any give for extenuating circumstances like this?

His dad does have 9 elk points and 12 deer points in CO that he could use to get a good hunt as well but some recommendations would be much appreciated. I would love to see them have this time together.
As Sad/Bad as it is!

I Doubt Utah will Give!

Hope they can work something out!

Hate to see anybody not be able to use their Points they've took forever Earning!

Let us know!

Best of Luck to the Hunter!

[font color="redhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsueOnu0kY
Highly unlikely he would be allowed to use his son in laws points. And as sad/bad as it is, I don't think the DWR should waiver. Your Brother in law didn't accumulate 19 points so his dad, son, whomever could go on a hunt. They are his points and his points alone. If he wants to take his dad hunting he can go to Colorado as you suggested, or pony up the cash for a guided hunt or purchased voucher.
Letting people transfer their points no matter how good the reason is a slippery slope, will increase point creep, and will only encourage more to build points in the hope of "donating" them in the future.
Sorry about the poor prognosis....
Father pays for the out of State tag, all the decisions regarding the hunt are made by the father, father picks which rifle they'll use, father sights in the rifle along with his son, they travel to camp together, they camped together, hiking together, both wearing hunter orange, both spotting elk together, both cow call together, bother are stocking together, both looking over each elk together, father gets to decide which bull to kill, both get in position to make the shot, father decides the precise moment to make the shot, both are in the photos, father attaches the tag to the elk, both prepare the elk for the haul to the truck, father pays to have the meat processed, father goes to the taxidermist and decides on the mounting information, father pays for the mount, the elk mount is put in the father's home, because it's his.

The story and the family history is: That's "Dad's" bull and here is how he killed it. Who care's and who knows who's finger "twitched" on the the trigger of the rifle.

I agree that they can both lay claim to a bull, even if the son pulls the trigger...

I also agree that it needs to be a Monroe or Book Cliffs hunt. I know theres lots and lots of acces in the Books, and Ive heard similar about Monroe. Could kill a bull literally next to a road...

Good luck.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I like 2lumpy's idea. However, just really wonder if they are saying he has a year, what will it be like next fall? Not a great shot for him to be still mobile and well enough to make the trip and hunt in my estimation. Not with any certainty anyway. Might have to try for something sooner? Exotic hunts in Texas are year round. Yes, there are some free range hunts for those critters out there if you look hard. West Texas even has some ranches with elk that are wild and not under high fence. How about a audad hunt in the mountains of west Texas? Spring turkey and hogs? Lots of options unless he really has his heart set on an elk hunt.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I like the idea Lumpy, Sounds a bit like the Mentor program. Why not expand the program to elders as well. I know I'd burn my points in a heartbeat to give my old man a bucket list tag.
Thanks guys. A new development just popped up. My brother in law was just told by his dad that he has 19 points for moose as a resident. What would you put him in for that they could have a great hunt together and be a guaranteed tag as this will most likely be his last year of applying?
Start calling and cutting deals with CWMU operators. Some have some great bull moose, some will enhance the public draw winner, under certain circumstances.

I agree with the advice to get a hold of some CWMU operators. You can use harvest data or tag opportunity from last year, but I'd have your bro-in-law contact a few operations and find out what the chances are of getting a quality bull moose, and frankly, make sure they understand that his father may not be able to get out at all by that point, requiring access on roads and such...

Be sure your bro-in-law is completely up front about his father's capabilities. He doesn't want to show up to the CWMU and find out they have to hike in order to get to the moose. If he is up front about it now, he is likely to find an operator that is both willing and capable of providing what his father needs...

Also, I like the idea of a moose hunt instead of an elk hunt. :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

Here are the odds from last year for moose. This will tell you what 19 points will get you. You do have to look at those with 18 on these sheets, as those will be all those with 19 for this year. Good luck. Sounds like a really tough situation, hopefully you all can get this one last trip in together.

I have lots of things in my life I would change, but one of the only very few actual regrets I have is not taking a day off work to go on the first day of my dad's last elk hunt with him. I had planned to hunt the next days with him, thinking he wouldn't get one that first day. Well, he did. And that was his last hunt as he passed away that following year. Haunts me to this day, and always will, I suppose. Wish I could have that one back...

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