UT Plateau antelope



I noticed in the regs that there is only one "any weapon" hunt this year for the UT Plateau antelope hunt. Has anyone heard why the second hunt was eliminated, and how this will affect the number of permits that may be issued for the first hunt?

That's interesting, because on the Hunt Expo list of 200 tags, they have 3 early Plateau any-weapon tags and 3 late Plateau any-weapon tags.
Looking on page 59 of the guidebook, I see Plateau listed once for hunt #847, Sep 12-22.
Hi RR, nice to see you come off the tiny dog deer forum once in a while.

They have been taking SIGNIFICANT numbers of antelope off Plateau for the past 5-10 years. It is the primary unit used for transplanting and trading.

My guess would be that they are finally down to a 'manageable' herd size.

Are you looking to burn some points?


Thanks for the morning laff. Do you have any more dog-deer hunts planned?

You may be correct about the transplanting reducing the herd. I think AZ just exchanged some sheep for some of those Plateau antelope. We have to keep our AZ coyotes well fed, you know ;-)

I had an antelope permit for the SW Desert in 2002, so only have a few points. I do not see the San Rafael in my future.

Why yes, Doug, I do hope to add another dog deer adventure soon. I have a few points, drew 23 last time with 2, soooo...ya never know! I wouldn't mind traipsin' in 6a for elk, neither.

Maybe this time I can actually meet ya (before I throw the deer in the trunk of the rental car).

Yah, San Rafael ain't happenin' for you, mister!

PM sent.

Quite a few pronghorn in the unit but they tend to be very average in size. I accompanied my daughter on the second hunt this year and the numbers of pronghorn were quite a bit lower than in past years IMO. Also, I'm running right at 50% on those late hunts for having lousy weather from lots of rain to snow. With the one hunt in September you might get a monsoon from AZ move through but you're probably not going to get snowed off the Parker Mtn Unit.

The hunt may have been combined to one earlier hunt to avoid the conflict with the general season elk hunt that has coincided with the later Plateau pronghorn hunt?

Some pics from the Parker Mtn area...

My daughter glassing for buck pronghorn

representative buck from the unit

big, wide open pronghorn country



weather can turn to this in a few hours


Doug, If you draw a permit, let me know and I'll mark up a map for you if you're interested.

We have been up there 3 out of the last 4 hunting seasons and the antelope numbers have been on a slow decrease. I have never seen as many antelope as my first year up there. The bucks are getting smaller also between the increase in tag numbers and the trapping and relocations. I still love it up there.
I hunted it last year and was pretty surprised at the lack of numbers (and size). I scouted for two days prior to the opener and killed about the best buck I found, first thing opening morning. Pretty average hunt, IMO. But if you're just looking for a fun hunt, not bad at all.

Thanks for the feedback and taking the time to post some fine pictures. It gives a good sense of what the hunt area is like.

CO, from what I have heard from others who have hunted Plateau, you killed a fine antelope with nice prongs.

CO, Thats a heck of buck for the Plateau. What did he end up scoring? I shot one with my bow in 03 on that unit that scored 78". I don't think I will ever top that. They have steadily increased the tags every year. I think the heard has finally leveled off.
The Plateau used to be the super unit in Utah when it came to antelope but that was then and this is now.The cattlemen and sheepmen said the goats were eating the range down to nothing.One of their local buddies got on thr RAC Board and really helped them out.Between having all the different buck hunts,the 2doe permit hunts and then the abundent capture and transplants that the DWR continue to do,the unit has dropped just like all of the rest.IMO,the DWR just wants to sell tags,collect the money and over kill the unit.(ROD)

Your antelope is still a nice buck for the area no matter what he scores. The photo does make him look really good. He has nice prongs but, like the majority of buck pronghorn everywhere, loses lots on top because of a lack of mass. If I saw your buck opening day in the Plateau unit I would have shot him too!

A friend of mine from Kingman, AZ took a nice upper 70's buck from the unit in the 90's. That was the best one we've been able to tag over the years. It's a fun hunt for sure but not a true trophy destination, at least not presently.

Here is a pick of my Parker Mt. buck. I need to take some pointers on how to take picks though C-O. ;-)


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