UT moose help


Very Active Member
My brother in laws dad has 19 pts. for moose as a resident. This will very likely be his last year to be able to hunt as he has terminal lung cancer and has been given one year by his doctor. This would be a grandpa, son, grandson hunt that would be memories forever for them. His health is okay now and can get around okay maybe a mile or two walk. With 19 points he has about a 15% chance at a Wasatch tag so we don't want to chance him not getting the tag so what unit would you put him in for? He has a 100% chance at a few of the CWMU tags but I know nothing about them. He would most likely draw an East Canyon tag but I've heard its all private and with his medical bills I don't think a trespass fee is in the cards for him. ANY INFO OR THOUGHTS ON WHAT TO DO WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.
I'd be glad to help!

19 should pull the tag too.....

Go to the State DWR website and go to Big Game and hit the CWMU section. You can go to info on the CWMUs and see info on all of the CWMU. There are ratings given by the State hunters to know how good of an experience and percentage of successful state hunters and private hunters. Those with score 5 are the highest rated hunts by state draw and those 4 and above are very good which is most of them. I suggest that you do a CWMU that has more than one tag so he can get the bonus tag. You can also call the operators to find out more info and tell then his situation.

This is the link to the page. You then hit the name of the CWMu that will take you to a page of info on it. Very helpful info. I use it to figure out where to put my boys in for a tag with better odds to draw since as youth they do not have enough points to draw good limited entry tags and once in lafetime tags.
Thank you all for the info and help. We have some homework to do. I wish he had one more point, it seems with 19 he's not really guaranteed a tag in many places and I would hate to see him not draw this year because it is most likely his last. Thank you again.

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