
Active Member
I'm intrigued by this idea of hunting deer during the rut. Although I fully anticipate taking a deer during the general rifle hunt in Southern Utah next week I have to admit it would be cool to fling arrows during Novemer along the front at some deer during the rut.

So here are my thoughts/questions. I have heard that the extended archery hunt requires a tireless effort of lots of hiking which is fine. So when do deer rut? Who has done the extended before and how has it gone? Do you run into wildlife activists being that close to the cities?

This sounds like a cool hunt. Post some pics of past successes!
What tag do you have? Most people who hunt the Wasatch Front don't hunt the rifle hunt... they have archery tags.

I went out yesterday morning and saw 17 doe no bucks. It was fun. It is my first year hunting the extended hunt as well and I hope to learn from it. It was odd hunting with a bow in the cooler weather rather than when it is super hot.

Just watch out so you don't end up in some guys yard, there are houses on the Front that you don't know are there until you walk up to them.

Dedicated hunters can hunt the wasatch extended. So as a dedicated hunter i hunt bow muzzy and rifle and then also extended. So im guessin he has a dedicated hunter permit. A ruttin buck with a fat ole neck chasin does is fun but at the same time the front can kill someone physically. Be tough grit your teeth and keep your nose on the deer trail you will find em.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-10 AT 12:53PM (MST)[p]Yep I'm in the dedicated hunter program. Why are the hiking conditions worse than any other mountain ranges? Just wondering as I have never hunted this area before. Have hunted the Uintah's which are behind the front.
It is very steep, with no roads to the top. You are going to have to hike 2-3 miles to get into deer, all up hill. It is very doable.

Good luck
I've hunted up there a bit. Never had a run in with an activist looking to start trouble, but that could be fun and entertaining. I have never killed a deer on that late archery hunt, never even launched an arrow. Lots of people hunt it, and a few find themselves in the right place at the right time, but most have the same success I've had.
They should be rutting in mid-Nov.

Brian Latturner
When I scout the front I hardly ever get out of my truck. All you need to do is glass all the hillsides above SLC, Bountiful, and Ogden in November. When you find a herd of 5-10 does or more, there will be a buck or two soemwhere near. Go watch the does and wait for him to show himself.

Sounds easy, but it's far from that.

The key is getting out glassing and finding the does. After you find a buck, then the hunt starts.

Good Luck, it's a fun hunt!
Guys I appreciate very much the input. It sounds like a challenging hunt where a lot of hard work and even more luck are required to connect. I think it sounds like a blast and it doesnt sound like I'm alone. Perhaps I'll see some of you runnin around up there next month. Best of luck!
Huntin guy put your hikin boots on and be persistant. Ive ran into a few Granolas on the bench some encounters more intense than others.Its really thick steep and nasty but i end up there every year weather i have the tag or a friend has a tag. theres alot of pressure especially on the front face but dont get discouraged its a hell of a fun hunt good luck.
Get a window mount and spottin scope turn the heater on and find a parking lot close to the mountain. Also remember you can hunt any west drainage on the face. I know of alot of west drainage that you cant see the town below cuz they go back in abit. Get up in them on foot and you will be surprised at the amount of deer and if your lucky some elk will be in there.

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