UT bonus pts & draw stats


Very Active Member
I'm about ready to start a conspiracy theory. Where is the Utah bonus point and draw statistics report???? The stupid draw has been complete for months. They have the draw odds report but not the bonus point report released. I'm dying to see it because I can not figure out statistically how one of my family members didn't draw a tag in the bonus pool and I want to see the report.
You're not alone gznokes! My dad "statistically" should of drawn as well........unless 23 other people with as many or more points than him "jumped shipped" to this unit and hunt. If that is the case than 35 got permits and 1 unlucky guy didn't. The DWR office told me the middle of August they should be out.
I was surprised when I didn't draw Utah this year, I thought it would have been almost a sure thing.
I want it too, but not because I should have drawn a tag. I take it and run it through a personalized spread sheet and it helps me know the trends that take place in the state as well as where I want to apply the following year. A few years ago it came out in September.

>Don't be surprized SFW probley got
>those tags that you guys
>were in line for!

Ya if you can scrounge up a few copies of recent Huntin Fools you can read about several trophy critters killed from your units with nonresident tags taken by SFW for the raffle.

I understand what all of you are talking about. I have had a request in for months now with no results. Typically I have been able to get them in July, but this year has been a nightmare. In years past I have been told that the Nevada Company is just slow in getting the reports run. That seems very strange to me. It is all electronic and you have written the code to run the reports for past years. I would think a couple key strokes and the report will run its self.

Maybe it is a good thing that the application period is being put back a while this year. Hopefully I will still have plenty of time to get the odds system updated.

Jon when does Wyomings report and numbers come out and when will it be on your site? Just wondering how the odds were this year and start planning for next. Thanks
Thanks oilcan. I was hoping to see the numbers that tell me how many applicants had how many points. The report on the WFG website (the one I found anyway) just gives a total number applicants but not how many points each had. Is there another report that I am missing?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-10 AT 11:00AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-10 AT 10:56 AM (MST)

FlyFool, I've see it before. Not sure if 2010 is there, I haven't looked for it yet.

my 2009 report is titled "totalprefereencepointsEDA2009"

found it

It's on the main Hunting page, "Preference Point Totals going into 2010 Draw"
I am guessing that you are looking for the preference point draw results that say how many in each zone a respective points it took. It is on thier site, they always post either the day of the draw or day after.

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