
Long Time Member
'morning All,
I got my website finally updated from last years hunts.
If any of you or your family members are after a Rocky-Ram and have tossed the North Slope BARETOP unit around there are quite a few photo's from previous years Ram harvests.
The Forest Service, Utah DWR and UFNAWS did a lot of clearing of dead-burned and some new growth up on the 'Top' last summer.
In 2004 a Grand Slam was completed by one tag holder and a 1/2 Slam completed by the other tag holder.
Realistically your looking at 155-165 type Rams.

The new North Slope Sheep Creek unit would be a fun hunt to if drawn.


The Hunts, more Hunts, And more Hunts pages have the Rams.

Good luck with Sheep Fever is ya draw!!
Man I am saving myself for a NR rocky bighorn tag - before I die I will have one! Giving up all else to apply for pnts since there is no tag.

Take care Robb
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-05 AT 05:44PM (MST)[p] well please dear wish me luck i put in for sheep on the baretop. We chatted last year. I see they turned some more loose on the east end of the unit. I have hunted the 3c unit for elk took a 300 class bull I put my son in there this year he has 6 points he has a pretty good chance. Do you ever see any 350 class bulls there. I seen one about 10 years ago. I see someone killed a really nice one up there last fall do you kow what it scored. Oh I checked out your web site I didn't see any Rams where are they
I found the sheep pics. under more hunts
Nice may I say. What do these sheep score avg. I haven't a clue about scoreing sheep
Mid-150's to mid-160's........... most have the big 'soccerball' long curls and are in the very high 15-low 16 bases. Look for 'cb's' Ram, the photo really shows the long sweeping deep 'soccerball' curl and those bases!! to die for! (Cal's Ram)

I"m over there alot during most summers, repairing and cleaning out guzzlers......... ya can tag along if you would like...........

One question: why on earth would someone with 11 points on ELK do a 1 tag unit?? and be in the same mix as all that put in?? haha........ you got a secret plan huh!
NO Plan If i draw well I know the unit holds a Monster (Hope). And if not then I will get my way in a couple more years. And just think if I didn't draw an elk and I did draw a Bare Top Sheep Kewl eh? Then I would have 12 points for elk. And a sheep hunt. Thanks and sure I wouldn't mind tagging along on the Bare Top. I love it up there.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-05 AT 08:02AM (MST)[p]Here is a pic I hope i can post it. East end of the Horse Shoe
Nice webpage! I noticed there was a pic of you holding a mountain lion? By chance did you kill that mountain lion on a guided hunt in Northern CO with Smith El Rancho hunts? I swear I've seen that pic before and my dad's best friends are the Smith Bro's in Craig CO.

Once again great site!

Hey, you guys think PD has a great site? You ought to hunt with the guy! Darn fun, let me tell ya (if you don't mind walking your little tootsies off).

Robb likes to call that "having a good blow"......I call it sucking my lungs off the top of my rib cage.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-05 AT 04:01AM (MST)[p]You get your Utah Desert Ram tag and I get my Utah Mnt. Goat.... we will look like a couple of very 'gant' hunters come the end of November!!!
Throw rutnbuck in the mix with his Rocky Ram and wholie-molie........ I'm talking Navajo Taco at the 'gorge'!!! haha

Did I say that or just think that????????? hehe
Sounds like your thinking right! I like toco's. Where did you put in for mnt goat?? I can see the Mt goats on Ben Lomond from my front porch in the winter.

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