Use the search engine for SFW!


Long Time Member
I searched my username and read all the posts from 7/05 about SFW and how Don Peay was at the meetings and hired Pete C for $150000 a year to start the AZSFW. Intersting how spot on some posters were when warning us about SFW and how others were already lapping up the Kool Aid. Just search my username and read a few of the posts and it will all become clear. No BS from the birdman, plenty of Denham and others touting the new group and how Pete C guaranteed them the AZSFW would never go for the tag grab. Here is one post from Don Martin:

"Pete is adamant that NO BIG GAME TAGS are in the plans for SFW (Arizona).

That was one of my major concerns after seeing all the hoorah here about the Utah plan.

I also like the idea of the sportsmen in SFW being the ones who give direction the the "other side" (money guys) of SFW in Arizona.

From what I see, the Arizona plan is different from the Utah plan in a number of ways.

I have always said that those that have issues with groups, etc. need to be involved- especially getting in on the ground floor of this organization so that Arizona residents can set the direction and goals of the group.

I'm not sure I'll have a lot of time to donate due to other conservation committments, but I believe SFW will be good for Arizona, IF we get involved and IF SFW does what it is designed to do.

By the way, Pete can be contacted via e-mail to answer any questions at [email protected] and yes, Arizona SFW will have a website coming up that explains in detail what SFW (Arizona) is all about.

Pete is looking at an August meeting in Phoenix to set up bylaws, etc. for the group.

Ask questions, and get involved!

Don Martin"
Glen, where is the "search function" ? I know I asked alot of questions of Pete C and Chris Denham back when AZSFW was going to get set up in AZ. I now see what has happened and remember being assured there would be no "Tag Grab" and yet, HB2072 is a tag grab. I want to do the search function and look up their responses to my questions back then......... Thanks, Allen Taylor......
Make sure you check the archives box and go to the 2005 threads. Very intersting to read what was said back then during the USO mess and what is being said now. We have a few liars among us.
>Make sure you check the archives
>box and go to the
>2005 threads. Very intersting to
>read what was said back
>then during the USO mess
>and what is being said
>now. We have a few
>liars among us.

More than a few liars. SFW has tarnished more well-intentioned people than most brands of booze. Mix in the egos and those same folks are reluctant to admit they were bamboozled. They just keep digging deeper holes. Dig. Dig. Dig.

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