USA 2 - Slovenia 2


ROBBED! What a bunch of freaking idiots they have for refs!

Other than that, the US shouldn't have waited until the 2nd half to come to the game and open up like they did.

Oh well - a tie is still a point. How that is I don't understand, I guess it is like half of a win, or a third of one actually, but not a loss, so we are still alive.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-10 AT 01:19PM (MST)[p]Gee, a soccer game that ended in a tie, really? Huh, what are the chances of that?
Im a huge baseball fan and as long as soccer is still around I will always have a sport I can look down on as boring, slow and dull.
Another tie!! 0-0 England vs. Algeria.

But at least that puts the US in the drivers seat, win next Wednesday and we are in to the next round.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
OK Roy I am ignorant-do points carry over to the next round or does everyone start clean?
...and WTF is Roy even talking about?

is it this?

They got fricken robbed in the Ref taking the last goal away, What a crock of crap. the score should be 3-2 and they should have a record for being the only team in 80 yrs to come back from a 0-2 to win 3-2

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>OK Roy I am ignorant-do points
>carry over to the next
>round or does everyone start

Well the points only count in the first round of games - each team is placed in a group of four and every team plays all the other team in each group once. A tie is worth one point and a victory is worth 3 points. Only the two teams with the most points advance into the single-elimination rounds. Tie-breakers are determined by the goal differential, how many goals a team has scored versus how many they have given up. Basically tomorrow the US will advance if they outright win or if they tie and England ties too and England scores less goals than they do. If England wins and the US loses its over for us. If they make it to the next round then every game is win or go home, do or die.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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