US Hunting Bill HR4089 Vote


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-12 AT 03:07PM (MST)[p]Here's a bill HR 4089 that just passed the house it called the Sportsmens Heritage Act of 2012 and is protective hunting legislation. The link gives you how the representative voted on the bill. It's pretty clear which party opposes our right to hunt by the vote but we did have some democrats that supported it.

Here are the facts about the bill and how the anti's are opposing it
Surprise surprise the democrat party opposed it and wanted to take away are hunting rights. Who wouldn't have thought that? O I know I know any democrat who hunts.


Can we update this forum so posting with a
phone is easier?
Instead of alienating Dems who hunt how about welcoming them. But, I guess you would rather piss and moan.

Eldorado, why not wait until it gets to the Democrat majority Senate and see if he has a right to piss and moan about Democrats trying to do away with hunting rights.

I do welcome Democrat politicians who are pro hunting and pro gun, but they are a very small minority in their own party.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-12 AT 07:58PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-12 AT 07:57?PM (MST)

I am glad the bill passed but I still took opportunity to voice my dissatisfaction to Ed Perlmutter who was a nay vote and to whom I am a constituent.

"Mr. Perlmutter,
I just wanted to voice my extreme disappointment on your failure to stand up for your many sportsmen/women constituents in regards to HR 4089 "Sportsmans Heritage Act of 2012" This heritage is the singlemost important heritage in mine and many househoulds. Hunters, anglers & recreational shooters have long carried the proverbial "water" when it comes to financing wildlife management nationwide and maintaining sustainable wildlife populations. As hunters and fishermen we not only provide continued hunting and fishing opportunities for ourselves but also "watchable wildlife" opportunities for our fellow citizens who do not choose to hunt and fish. No other group has done more to preserve our wildlife and the environment in which it lives than sportsmen. While you may well see this as an issue of secondary importance to things like the economy, terrorism, etc. I can assure you that in my household and many others it is an issue that carries just as much weight. When I go to the ballot box, I find it very difficult to support a politician who is unwilling to protect my heritage. A vote against responsible hunting and fishing is a vote against wildlife and a vote against my heritage and that of my sons."

Sure it will get read and discarded by some hack at his office but I felt better writing it at least. Can't wait for the cheesy canned reply email.

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