Urgent! Help Please!


Very Active Member
First I will start with a little background. A number of years back I married a women who was somewhat of a treehugger. We have had our differences, but with time I thought I had made some huge advancements. She will snowmobile with me, hunt with me, eat wild game. I just starting to feel like we were on the same page. Then it happened. My 4 year old first born came home from school after getting pictures back. I was shocked..............................

Please help me. If any of you have any suggestions on what we can do to reclaim my wayward first born, please let me know.
Start by cutting down every tree within 100 miles. Tell your son that the beauty of a tree is what you build with it after it's cut down. Save the rest for firewood and send off for a new Russian bride. I hope this helps.
First, make sure he has a penis still...that may be the first problem. If he does have a penis that is not the problem. Second phase should be shock therapy to jumble his brain into the correct thinking mode.

+1 on the Russian bride.

>Start by cutting down every tree
>within 100 miles. Tell your
>son that the beauty of
>a tree is what you
>build with it after it's
>cut down. Save the rest
>for firewood and send off
>for a new Russian bride.
>I hope this helps.

ROFLMAO!!!!! :)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-09 AT 06:02PM (MST)[p]alp
i wouldn't worry to much, i'm sure your boy will grow up and be as normal as any other youngster these days. who knows, with his current upbringing he could end up famous :)
Dont they call trees woodies.....

Just wondering...

That jacks up wrong to a whole new level.


That is what you get for screwing around with genetics!!!


P.S. Good looking young man, must have also inherited his looks from momma along with the tree hugging.
Thanks for the support guys....tough times are always easier when you have support from people who understand. LOL.

Seriously my wife is no tree hugger and my boy is as boy as it gets. He looks forward to hunting and snowmobiling with daddy. But seriously when the pre school pictures came back and I saw that I seriously just busted up laughing. Who has a kid pose like that???? Anyways, I thought I would share a good laugh with some folks I knew would appreciate it.
I believe the person taking the pictures is a serious treehugger I think next year you should have a hunter take the school pictures to even things out.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Maybe he peed on the tree after the photo. When he was a baby you probably held him and got peed on at the same time, right. He maybe covering up his and his girlfriends intials that he carved in it with your Buck knife and he did not want momma to know he was not single anymore. LMAO Handsome kid by the way.
youve got to be a cup half full type of person. hes not hugging a tree.....hes got a death grip on it and hes trying to rip the tree,roots and all, right out of the ground:)
Russian or Asian. Talk to Zim he seems to have married well. No tree hugger there, Tree stand carrier if I recall.

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