Urban Legends


Very Active Member
I was watching this show called Monsterquest the other day on TV. They research all these urban legend type stuff such like bigfoot, black mountain lions, mutant dogs etc. I want to hear some stories that you or trusted sources of yours have had. Im not a big believer, but I love hearing about it.
There is a gentleman on here that frequents this site(I will not name names, but supposedly is a reliable resource) Claims there is a creature that roams the west with a slow pace that is viscious as they come. The size is enormous and its appetite for humans even worse. Its protection is impermeable to most guns and rocket fire. This MM member whose name is a sea grown plant narrowly escaped doom one day. He was out training his mutant quail a new call one afternoon and was ambushed by the beast. Since he lives in the "Emerald Traingle" in Northern Ca. he has plenty of this plant nicknamed "mary jane" at his disposal(Probably his own). He quickly grabbed one of these plants (growing wild of course) from his wifes flower bed and started waving it in the creatures face. Suddenly the creature was mezmerized by this plant and it started to chomp away. The creature finally grew slower and let its guard down. Quickly the man bolted to the house never to see the creature again. I dont know if the story is true but it sure makes a man wonder! I sure hope a trail cam pic is taken one day. Until then while camping I would sleep light!
The Fouke Monster..

Suppose to be a big foot like creature that inhabits that area of Arkansas/Louisiana. Conjunction of Biose del arc, mercer, and dorcheat bayou's. Been known to attack people right in there houses, kill guard dog's, and pulled a Rambo on a sheriff's posse searching for the kid it was suppose to have hauled off from a yard.

True stuff.. My mother told me about it and hard to believe I saw a program on like the discovery channel about it.

I also heard a story about a big foot sighting on Red Ceder Lake Onterio told to my by a bear guide...but I dont count "guides" as being very reliable with there stories at times...LOL
Guy named mosnar caught it on trail cam...

I was told that some where in this nation resides an honest politician. I want to believe but it's getting to the point where I'm ready to give up.

There is a monster in these timber country parts called the USFS. Though it can be seen often, usually driving a green truck, it remains aloof to the point that no one has ever seen it actually do anything. Proof remains though that this creature is of great harm to the locals and visitors to the area.

You can see the destruction this beast has caused by roads to many small lakes, campsites, and streams, completely disappearing or gates suddenly manifesting across access to never before close off country. They must do their work at night and are a breeding bunch to be sure. On many occasions, as i have witnessed myself, more and more of these green truck creatures are seen in busyness trucking around on our public back country roads to no apparent purpose.

As said above, nobody has actually seen them do anything but the road blocks, gates, and wiped out access roads are sad proof of this USFS's creatures existence.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-09 AT 08:41PM (MST)[p]I have had an encounter with this USFS creature you speak of. They gave me a ticket for not obeying a sign that wasn't there. Darndest thing. Ticket was real though, $75.00 too real.

Sorry to hear of your encounter. Apparently you came across the Alpha of the specie. The Alpha Male carries a gun and can be identified from afar by the blue lights on the bar above the green vehicle. That he justifies the new vehicle every couple years by catching potential firewood cutting violators, those not in possession of enough stamps to put on their load or a pen to write in the date, they generally, would much prefer to get involved in real law endorsement like a DUI camper or rescuing several female campers from curious black bears.

>There is a monster in these
>timber country parts called the
>USFS. Though it can be
>seen often, usually driving a
>green truck, it remains aloof
>to the point that no
>one has ever seen it
>actually do anything. Proof remains
>though that this creature is
>of great harm to the
>locals and visitors to the


There is another creature that roams the timber country that you spek of.. We saw one ourselves and a more horrifing experiance I have never witnessed. One day we were cruising the timber country collecting beer cans minding our own business discussing different methods of how to add to our collection in the back of the jeep and out of nowhere it appeard. Yes you can imagine the shock and surprise I felt when all of the sudden a loud bugle like blast thundered from the beast which was almost on my rear bumper. After I returned to my seat I looked up in the rear view mirror and saw the two large eyes and the wide open mouth! At first I thought it said something like Peterbuilt right above the mouth but I was to shaken to be sure as it was about to swallow us up. I hit the gas hard and the chase was on.. As luck was with us that day a small side road appeared ahead and at the last possible second I relied on my driving skills to out wit the beast by swerving on to the little side road and thankfully the big beast was not as fleet a foot as my much smaller jeep. It roared on past and I could hear it continue growing all the way down the mountain. We have been back a couple of times but while I have not had any of them sneak up behind me you can hear them growling off at a great distance. Beware they are VERY FAST.. We were luck to have escaped with our lives that day.. That is devlish country up there you live in my friend.. devilish..

Good call!! I too know of this beast. No other creature has the ability to destroy your day so instantly or completely. I try to avoid them at all costs but the fact remains, if in their neck of the woods, you will encounter them sooner or later. Often they prefer to use the same trails and follow each other spaced at intervals. Being a local and knowing where the majority of these creatures reside in habitat has it's advantages. Being possibly the biggest creature in the woods, they often pull their weight around and will not be deterred from getting to and from where ever they choose. Yes Sir, one nasty bastage to avoid if at all possible!! :)

There's been a lot of U.F.O. & alien activity around the Basin area, not sure why that's such a hot spot ?
Some have speculated it has something to do with that whole anal probing thing, not sure if its the aliens or fellow Basinites. Very curious thing !
type in bigfoot on bowsite.com. there is a poster there who claims to have had several run-ins with a bigfoot, one time he was sitting in his stand and a hand reached up and grabbed his leg, then touched his broadhead on the end of his bow and cut himself. On at least one thread he got into a pi$$ing match with others calling him a liar and the thread goes on for miles. good reading.
Ill have to check it out. Cmon guys, I know some of you have some skinwalker stories or some other stuff to share. Lets hear it.
You want Skinwalker?
I was patrolling out northeastern AZ, near the NM state line one night. Very dark no breeze, moon nothin. There was no traffic and it was baout 2300 hours. I was comin back to town for the night, I looked up ahead on the right shoulder and I saw a man sitting there. Now we get Natives walking on the road all the time and I was going to fast to stop but I slowed and made a U turn.
Now when I was passing him I looked right into his eyes, as he was illuminated by the ambient light from my patrol car headlights. I mean I saw him lookin back at me!
So I made this u turn and radioed I was checkin on a pedestrian gave out the milepost etc. I looked up where he was sitting and he wasnt there. Now here in this area it is mostly prarie grass and junipers that are spread out and the trees are a long ways off the road.
I figured he had crossed the road or something but I looked and saw nothing. I made another U -turn and right near where he was sitting a raven was now sitting on the fog line, The white line on the shoulder. I stopped my vehicle and put the spot light on it. It sat there for second then flew off.
A raven at 11 oclock at night, Ive never seen that before. I advised radio I was clearing and she asked about the pedestrian I told her I would call her and did so when i stopped at the office in town. I could not get that vehicle to go any faster comin off that plateau I swear I was shakin from the eeby jeebies man!
I know what i saw and I ain never seen anything like that since but things get strange up here sometimes.
Navajo Country, yeah I have herd some storys while I've been down there that would scare the crap out of most people.

Hey Bugler what area was you in, what was some of the nearby towns.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Highway 191 up near witch wells coming back towards St. Johns and then home in Springerville. It was by far the strangest thing i have ever seen in 18 years in this line of work and I have seen some godawful strange crap.
I hope I dont run across anything like that again but I got a few years left, then im gonna open up an archery shop. I gotta get outta this line! Nights up here and backup an hour or more away can get dicey at times. LOL
LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-09 AT 09:48PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-03-09 AT 09:48 PM (MST)


The bessy family of the back woods


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