Upgraded Forum??


Very Active Member
I know many of you spend time on other forums out there as well as this one. Just how many of you would like to see founder upgrade to a new forum format. I know I would. There are a lot of features and ease of use that could be improved upon as well as ability to increase the "community" effect for the members.

What are your thoughts?
Alp75, I dont spend that much time on any other forum, so I wouldn't know any different. What are some possible format ideas? As for ease of use I think that this one is very simple and to the point. Smitty
Agreed. I am a member of a few fishing and hunting forums and I like this one just the way it is. Dont screw it up!
I frequent a few more fishing and hunting sites...I do like the newer format of them much better...For instance on each thread there is a "new" button you can click that takes you right to the last post that you had read on a thread...It's pretty slick..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I love this site too, but I was wondering the same thing...the only other forum I look at has 2 things that I like better, the best one in my opinion is that if you read a thread and come back the next day, or later that day if it's a wild thread, it will open up to the spot you last stopped reading, usually the it was the last post at that time. That way I never have to scroll down and try to figure out where I stopped, since I usually forget what the last post was....this makes it really easy to keep up with a busy thread.

The other thing I like is that as I move my cursor over the different posts it pops the entire original post up so I can read it without having to actually open it. I like being able to read the original post and see if I'm interested in opening it.

If nothing ever changes I'm sure I will still spend the few internet minutes a day that I have on here.
Founder looked into a few years ago and said that to change the format a lot of the info already here like "post counts" would not be able to transfer over to new format and something else just don't remember what he said.
There are some of us that would loose a lot of post counts ( yea right, who cares) but this format is just fine and as the old saying goes: "if it works, leave it alone".

I'd love to see MM go to a more modern board.
Post counts just mean you spend more time on the computer than you do outdoors, a join date serves nicely.
I've always loved the content of MM, but also have never liked the funky yellow backround, it seems to wash out photos in my opinion.
I post on several other outdoor boards and find the darker backrounds (black or navy blue) to be much more dramatic in bringing out the colors on great photos and great photos are a huge reason many flock here.
The manuverability of the newer formats are better too, being able to immediately see if you have a PM without changing pages, a handy calendar on every page, and numerous other features ave very nice.
That said, there are newer formats that are worse than this old yeller one for sure.
Just my 2 cents.
"Post counts just mean you spend more time on the computer than you do outdoors"

You mean like +3000 posts:)
I hope he doesn't change anything. I like it just the way it is.

I have been on other "forums" as well. They are more difficult to navigate IMO..
>"Post counts just mean you spend
>more time on the computer
>than you do outdoors"
>You mean like +3000 posts:)

Nailed it.
I live in California.
No hunting & fishing here.

works for me but I too would love to see a color change for the background.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
upgrade..Being able to click on your personal account, and click "my posts" so it gives you a list where you posted is one of my favorite options on "newer" bords..dunno how may 1 liners I make, and forgetting where they are sucks, cuz I cant see the aftermath..
All you old timers afraid of change would have it dialed in after just a few days and then would absolutely love it. You probably had the same reaction when computers and cell phones came about. :)
I don't think the format needs much of a change, but I would like to see a better pm messaging system where it is at the top of the page. And, I'd like to see "this persons latest posts" or something like that added to their profile. I like this sites format better than say taxidermy.nets but they have some options that I like better.
alp75, I admit I'm an old timer, so I am afraid of change. That plus the fact that this is the only website I've ever been on. I'm afraid if I ever click out I'll never find my way back.:)

We already had one of those changes and all the posts was wiped out. If you can't remeber that you're a new comer. LOL
EEL right if it ani't broke don't fix it.

Where is the Horsepacking Forum. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
No one is complaining about how good this site is (or isn't) or that it is broke. I think it is a great site with excellent content, but great can be better. Nothing wrong with a better functioning and easier to navigate site. That is all that upgrading the forum would do. It's not about fixing anything.
Send the FOUNDER a PM or Email and ask him and let him tell you why since no matter what we say, it is still not convincing you to leave well enough alone as it is working fine.

Maintaing a website is a pain in the rear without changing a thing. This website is fine ,easy to use and provides a great forum that anyone can navigate. Leave it alone is the best option. If you want something exciting and new, do it yourself. I'm sure if you build it , they will come. Until then lay off founder and just be happy with what we got.
I think this is a great sight. Alps I see what your saying and suggestions are good. I guess it comes down to what is reasonable and practical / cost effective. MM is an amazing place to hang out and chat, exchange opinions and stories. I like it the way it is so my vote would be to leave it alone.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-10 AT 12:29PM (MST)[p]Kilowatt Said:
-"Send the FOUNDER a PM or Email and ask him and let him tell you -why since no matter what we say, it is still not convincing you -to leave well enough alone as it is working fine.


No need to send anybody a PM or email. The point of the thread is to get peoples opinions not for me to convince him to update his forum or for you to "convince" me to leave well enough alone.

I have an opinion, and that is that I really enjoy this site and spend probably too much time on it. My opinion is also that it could be easier to use and provide better features to the user(s) via an upgraded software. That doesn't imply that I think something isn't working or that something is broke. I just think MM could be better than it already is. Again this is my opinion so you can stop trying to convince me to change my opinion and just state yours.

Additionally founder can weigh in with his own opinion as he does on many threads. No need to send a special email for that.
In all honestly, the entire site could be better. Like others, I have ideas too. The problem is, there's only so much a single person company can do. Believe it or not, my knowledge, time, and funds are limited, therefore I have to pick and choose things I do.
I have looked at a couple other forums. Like others here, I don't use other sites enough, so other forums sometimes seem to be too much. But, I have seen features that would be cool to have here. But, for me to incorporate them, I either have to educate myself to do it or pay someone to do it. You know what I'm saying alp75?
There are many things I want, but there's only so much I can do. It's like my MonsterHuntClips.com site. I would love for that to be as nice as YouTube.com, but they have a few more smart people working for them and a little more money than I do, so..........
I have a whole list of things that I believe could make MonsterMuleys.com incredible, but it takes more brain power, money, and time than I have.

Investors and smart programming people needed......investors first of course!

I do need to work on many things guys. No question. I do appreciate all the comments. And alp75, thanks for caring enough to email me some time ago and to bring up the subject. I know you just want it to be the best it can, so do I buddy. I will put it on my list to look into some of the other forum products available. I need to redesign the site too. That's been on my list for about 4 years. Too much to do!!!!

Brian Latturner
I don't mind the format so much, maybe a few changes would be nice. But also Im just fine if it stays the same. One thing i would like to see is an Antelope only section. I hope Founder reads this, PLEASE make an antelope only section. I love antelope and hunting them, but I usually go to the moose,sheep, goats, antelope section to look at moose sheep and goats. You then have to sift through all the antelope posts to look at the other stuff, just seems like that section is overwelmed with antelope hunting topics. Just my 2 cents
Here are a couple things that I would like to see when the time comes for Founder to upgrade.

1. A way to rate posts. It'd be great to be able to judge a profile/person by the quality of their posts rather than their quantity. I think we have several examples here of persons with huge post numbers that add little value to the site.

2. A way to see distributions of who posts where. I think this could help new members identify "experts" in certain areas. For example, TFinal and Hoofsandhorns post more in photography than other areas. Their opinions might be valued more in photography than in a coyote section. Or people who usually only post in the campfire would be easily identified as blowhards.
NVB....careful, you are not far behind on the "wet diapers" yourself....LOL


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