Update on Robyn

Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
Just found out from wife that docs say Robyn's vitals have stabilized enough for her to be moved from ICU to Neurological floor. This is good news for us. Still months of rehab. Thanks for all the prayers and kind thoughts. Please continue in prayer for Robyn.

Robert Cole
Phantom Hunter
Awww....dangit, Robert. I'm so sorry to hear about this. We just never know what goes on in people's heads who try to commit suicide, do we? The depths they must sink to and the sadness they must feel. I've been through a few suicides in my family and at first I was always mad, but then that incredible sadness for that person and the darkness they must have felt comes rushing in. It's an emotional roller coaster, but the overall feeling of powerlessness and guilt for not being able to DO anything to prevent it is hard to deal with.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. You've got a long road ahead and I hope something good comes of it. Please keep us updated on her progress.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-09 AT 03:45PM (MST)[p]Great to hear about the upgrade in Robyns condition. Continued prayers for those affected by this hard time.
Robert thats good to hear there is improvment! I'm sorry to hear that happened we just went thru that with my mother-in-law six months ago it is not easy. hang in there brother and stick by her side. She needs you now more then ever
Good Luck and Great Memories
Robert, I hope all is going well as can be expected. Just wanted you to know you are still in my prayers. Stay strong Jason. Tell your daughter to hang in, life is full of bumps but you have to look ahead. Hopefully this chapter will end and she can go on.
I just went back to find your post on what happened with your daughter. You must have the strength of an ox to be living through such a tough time. As said before, you can never know what a loved one is really, truly feeling when depressed. The only one that knows their sorrow is them. I hope for Robyn, you and the rest of her loved ones that you know God has kept her here for a reason. Chances are you'll never know until you meet Him. Take solice that you still have her. My prayers go out to you and your family.

Wow, I just went back too to find the original thread to see what had happened. I'm very sorry for this tragedy your daughter and your family are facing. You'll all be in my thoughts and prayers.

Remember that family comes first, and don't forget to support each other. You'll all be focused on Robyn, but the rest of you will need each other, be there for each other.

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