Upcoming May Meetings


Very Active Member
The Game and Fish is proposing to extend the deadline for nonresident landowner deer and antelope applications to May 15 and the regular nonresident deer and antelope application deadline to May 31. Thought I'd pass that along.
That sure came out of the blue, as I hadn't heard the slightest rumor of that being on the table! Thanks for the info.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-14 AT 08:38PM (MST)[p]Ok since the cat's out of the bag...

The Wy G&F is in the process of revamping the application dates and process for ALL big game animals. This a ways from being done, but preliminary thinking is everything in the month of May.

Most likely all applicants will only be charged application fees upfront. The Dept is losing the ability to use the State Auditors office to issue warrants. The process to charge when tags are drawn is being considered. Most likely a charge to credit card.

There will be changes before it's done as there will be some opposed to parts this, most likely outfitters will complain the most. They won't have half the year to apply for their clients anymore or know by March what they drew for elk hunters.

A lot of this makes sense, especially elk, because all seasons and quotas will be established by the Commission before everyone applies.
""Most likely all applicants will only be charged the application fee up front""

There goes the draw odds!

Seems like those States that do this "enjoy" ridiculous draw odds but gain application and points money.

There's some good and some bad that will come from change but change is inevitable so "roll with the punches".

BTW; good luck to all in the upcoming draws!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-14 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]PS;
jm77, why is the dept losing the use of the State auditors office who issued the warrant checks?
I've been formulating a letter to propose just this for the NR Elk draw. We get the short end of the stick when they change dates and add a hunt after we're done.
>AT 07:45?PM (MST)

>jm77, why is the dept losing
>the use of the State
>auditors office who issued the
>warrant checks?

I guess the cost of issuing warrants was a problem, then there some change in policy involved.

You know everyone thinks the G&F makes all this interest money from license fees. I was told state law will not allow that money into interest bearing accounts.
According to Jim Emmerich( former deputy director), WGF does indeed draw interest off of license fee money. He told me that personally. Of course, there's always a chance he was mistaken. I've heard both sides, but never verified anything other than what he told me.

Seems kinda counter-productive to have a law stating that license fee money couldn't be put into some type of interest-bearing account, though. Another revenue source gone?

Maybe you could find out the truth, Jeff? It would also be interesting to find out how much that amounts to.
Well Cliff, my information came from a regional superviser who moved on to bigger and better things. Possibly he was wrong, so
if I get a chance tomorrow at the Commission meeting I will ask and let you know.

They've always been accused of holding money longer than they should to make "all that interest", maybe stories changed to quiet the complaints. Either way, these days they wouldn't be making much if they could.

And by the sounds of it, in the future they won't be able to if they just charge application fees only. I'm afraid Zeke is right, there will be a lot more applicants that way.
jm77---My input on this would be that changing the dates is fine and what most folks probably want. However, they should keep taking the license fee money on CCs at time of application and then refund the CC if a person doesn't draw just like other states do if they are losing their check writing method. Doing otherwise will definitely screw up the draw odds when a lot more people will apply without paying up front. Does the meeting allow for open comments? If it does, I hope whoever attends will suggest that method so it doesn't screw up draw odds like it surely will.

Meetings definitely provide for comment and anyone can send in comments also. I think we will all agree that the new fee approach is not a good thing. We should all keep each other informed so we can send comments at the proper time.

I've been told in order to do a CC refund, the hit on the card has to be within 30 days. Don't know if that's true...
OR is the only state I apply in that does not charge up front. Our hunting sucks so it isn't that big of a deal. The ability to purchase points in WY for a minimal fee already puts people into the point pools easily and only a one time tag fee on a party app to cash those in. I think the jump already happened when the point purchase occurred.
>OR is the only state I
>apply in that does not
>charge up front. Our hunting
>sucks so it isn't that
>big of a deal. The
>ability to purchase points in
>WY for a minimal fee
>already puts people into the
>point pools easily and only
>a one time tag fee
>on a party app to
>cash those in. I think
>the jump already happened when
>the point purchase occurred.

I think you might be mostly right, WapitiBob. However, if I had to bet the farm, I'd still say the applicants will increase rather than decrease if no tag fees are charged up front.
>Zeke, you lost me pls explain
>your thought process?

I don't know if I really lost you or you simply disagree with my assessment.
I THINK that when tag fees are not charged up front that its easier for more people to throw their hats into the ring and worry about paying for the tag later. When an applicant SEES the money come out of his debit account or SEES the money tacked on to his high-interest charge card bill he might have second thoughts. Otherwise they would just buy points until they had enough to draw rather than enter the drawing every year hoping for a random draw tag.
Just my thoughts,

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