How long for Utah I will ask my buddy who is at or one year behind the max pool for elk ...not sure of what it sit's at but last I heard was 17-19 years or more. And never drawn, I have 16 myself so.... So ya I thought so too.... Same for my chances on a Arizona strip muley tag.... never statistically in my lifetime at age 40. But a slight chance perhaps?
Who said anything abut taking away otc tags? Huge inference and assumption on your part... I was addressing the yearly complaint that non resident's have nothing to show for the 6 dollar app fee plus license they chose to buy. A point system is no guarantee that you will draw either.. you will always have a statistical outliers to the bell curve. As improbable as it seem's there is a minute chance a max point holder will never draw.
I have two units right outside my door that every year have not had enough applicant's or are drawn on second choice . There are 160 whitetails and 180 plus mulies top end potential. For both these units. I never drew my one Trophy tag until I tried for an area I was unfamiliar with.
As far as a money generating pyramid scheme points system, I am opposed to it because of the states inclination to offer their points monetarily cheap or let you put in for a number of years for just the app fee them slam you with higher app fee or make it upfront app fee's, and as I stated it doesn't seem to make that much difference if you are not in the top of the heap points wise.
So count Oregon, Utah, New Mexico, as states I know what it feels like to not ever even once draw trophy tag. As far as fair nothing is more fair as myself and other's have continually pointed out.. a random even playing field. Where some rich fat cat with deep pocket's cannot sit on top of the pile in points and continue to apply regardless of life's circumstances. That is not the case for average hunter and has caused me to drop out of applying for mutiple species in some states like Wyoming, Montana.
Has anyone seen my kittie?