Unlimited sheep units in Montana



I have read that Montana has a few unlimited sheep units where you don't have to draw a tag. I was just wondering if these are hunts that are in areas with very many sheep? I would think this would be a tough hunt if the tag was that easy to get. Also, Isn't it true that once the quota is filled the season closes? That could be an expensive vacation. Any ideas.
I'm no expert but I've read just what you said. I think there are 3 zones, 2 close when 2 sheep are taken and the third closes when 3 sheep are taken. I don't see how it matters if you allow unlimited tags and close on a quota or draw less tags and them hunt all season. It seems the quota would actually be a better way to manage but what a b###h if you got all packed in and set up and the season closed. Maybe as a backup tag when you strike out everywhere else.
ford_boy, Do a search of the site and you will see some previous discussions about the Unlimited. Also, check out bowsite. They have some old threads too.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
From what I have heard on the unlimited areas, if you don't scout, or have someone scouting for you, months before the season, your chances are pretty slim. The areas are VERY remote and rugged, you can spend days trying to get around and not see sheep.

You odds of killing a sheep in an UL area are about as good as drawing a tag for a LE unit... But at least you're sheep hunting. :) To be sucessful you need time and lots of it along with a good set of legs and lungs. Its not impossible but you have to have everything work out perfect to come home with one.

I've only gone on one hunt, and will go again one day when I find the time. We saw quite a few sheep, just no shooters. The unit that I hunted is now closed however.

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