Units 82 and 100 going draw only?


Long Time Member
Rumor has it there is a greater push to make more WYoming units draw only!

This latest new sounds like making the units of 100 and 82 draw only! I do not believe this is a good idea! Just this last year the department wanted to increase doe tags in the area because the population was up! I a, not sure who is making the push yet and why, but I hope you all luck in keeping your choice!

I would not be surprised if it is being pushed by those who want it to turn in to a quality unit for more money!
I all so heard they where make in 96 a draw to.. Witch doesn't make much since. When it was 3 point only for a few years. Then they drop the 3 point. To any buck for two years. Then make it a draw.
>I all so heard they where
>make in 96 a draw
>to.. Witch doesn't make much
>since. When it was 3
>point only for a few
>years. Then they drop the
>3 point. To any buck
>for two years. Then make
>it a draw.

Yeah I am sad to say it but I believe many people do not realize how nice they have it for hunting! I understand wanting larger bucks, but not at the point where you only get to hunt every couple years!

I would hope that the DNR can figure out how to mange hunting pressure and numbers with out going all limited! If they move any more units from General to drawing they might as well make entire state draw only as the remaining general units will have no chance to support the pressure!
>I'm not sure how limiting it
>would make them more money.

It is not the state, but others in the area. There has been a long standing demand from some (actually one main outfitter/property owners) Who wants to make the area an absolute trophy unit. This same outfitter has the state of Colorado and our hunters over a barrel just south of the units in questions. They tried hard with Larry Hicks to weasel in the units to draw only. Mainly because they want it be a high trophy area where they can charge $10,000 plus for a hunt. Hopefully WY can steer clear of this model as in Colorado it is getting pretty bad.
They'd do better to close some roads in the area and bring back the late hunt, on a limited basis of course.
The proposal being considered is to keep 82 & 100 general for residents with these conditions:

1) Split 82 into two seasons; first week & second week of Oct

2) The general license specified restricts the hunter to either 82 first season, 82 2nd season OR area 100. these licenses are OTC BUT can only be used in one of the three choices and that's it.

And in Wyoming they are called the Game & Fish Dept(G&F) elks96
What is every ones thoughts. On pick in a unit. U get a gen tag for a specific unit... I no residents that wants the point system. I try to tell them. U don't want it.. Look at Colorado.. If U didn't jump in at the beginning. U will never draw a premium unit never. And if U did. Its once in a life time. Then they say... We can still hunt gen. And I say yep. But every year they make more and more draw unit.. Until there is no gen tags. What I don't under stand is. We have had a couple good summers with moisture. And a couple mild winters. For the most part. Whats WFG do up most of the deer tags. In the draw units. Whens the last time they increased the bull tags. In a draw unit?????
>The proposal being considered is to
>keep 82 & 100 general
>for residents with these conditions:
>1) Split 82 into two seasons;
>first week & second week
>of Oct
>2) The general license specified restricts
>the hunter to either 82
>first season, 82 2nd season
>OR area 100. these licenses
>are OTC BUT can only
>be used in one of
>the three choices and that's
>And in Wyoming they are called
>the Game & Fish Dept(G&F)


How would they enforce that? Seems pretty tough to do. Thoughts?

I saw the presentation and as a NR I really do not like the idea (especially considering one day I plan to live in WY). I am not sold on the idea. The best thing about hunting that area, is the chance to explore desert looking for a monster and if you do not find one falling back in 82 looking for a back up.

The real concern that WY needs to consider, in that meeting there was not a single person under the age of 50 possibly under the age of 60. They were all wanting and looking for things to be like the good old days and no one else hunted the desert and they found. The problem is going limited only restricts and decreases youth participation.

My daughter who is currently 10 years old spent all September with me and my wife chasing the bucks in 100. She loved it and has already decided that her first year she wants to be in 100 chasing deer with her bow. If it goes more limited she may never get an option.

I will say this that anyone complaining about hunting in WY should think hard before moving towards a more limited season. Once you move that direction you are stuck and things will only become more restricted.

I will also say this every place I have went in in 82 and 100, a 10 minute hike got me away from almost all other hunters. I have also held the tag 3 times and killed a 7 year old buck a 13+ year old buck and then this last year my buck was 6 years old.

I will be heading to Baggs soon to hopfully speak with both Kim and Tony.
They should do something to curtail numbers in 82. That place is overrun with hunters the first few days of the season.
I have to agree. They need to do sum thing. For the mule deer. But going to a draw mite not be good. May they can close sum roads down there?
>I have to agree. They need
>to do sum thing. For
>the mule deer. But going
>to a draw mite not
>be good. May they can
>close sum roads down there?
That's a ridiculous solution.
I guess you have to identify what problem you're trying to solve. Is it over-crowding or not enough deer? According to the G&F there are plenty of deer, the poor winter range conditions in Northern Colorado last year not withstanding, as at least a portion of the Sierras herd uses that stuff...

The original plan outlined above seems to serve over - crowding more so than a deer numbers issue, and the personal agendas of a lonely few individuals.
>What is every ones thoughts. On
>pick in a unit. U
>get a gen tag for
>a specific unit... I no
>residents that wants the point
>system. I try to tell
>them. U don't want it..
>Look at Colorado.. If U
>didn't jump in at the
>beginning. U will never draw
>a premium unit never. And
>if U did. Its once
>in a life time. Then
>they say... We can still
>hunt gen. And I say
>yep. But every year they
>make more and more draw
>unit.. Until there is no
>gen tags. What I don't
>under stand is. We have
>had a couple good summers
>with moisture. And a couple
>mild winters. For the most
>part. Whats WFG do up
>most of the deer tags.
>In the draw units. Whens
>the last time they increased
>the bull tags. In a
>draw unit?????

Am I the only who got dizzy reading this?
No. That's not how I hunt. Shutting down roads only makes it to where the guys who are disabled or old who have no choice but to stick to the road. Have no choice but to stay home. You want to shut those guys out so you can hunt bigger bucks?
I have killed sum elk down that way. I would say that the majority of the people. Ride in the atv and utv. Are not old at all. So what can we do? Put a age limit on the roads? There is 4 wheeler trails where I have hunted. Where there shouldn't be a trail. So what G&F puts a age limit on the 4 Wheeler use. On certain trails. If U get caught on those trails. And not of age. U get hefty fine. And loose Ur atv or utv? How about game retrieval only? I think the a lot of people are just lazy any more. If they cant get there atv there. They wont hunt period...
Watching the presentation in Rawlins, it is apparent it is not about deer numbers and not about animal quality. Instead it is about hunter crowding and managing hunters.

As a result I have would think that no matter the direction they pick, it will be more restrictive For everyone. I see WY set up as a line of dominos and at any point here they are all going to fall. The general tag for residents is going to be gone if the residents do not commit to the idea that they would rather have opportunity. There really is a lot to consider here....

How does forcing people to select 82 increase pressure in other units? Will it force people out of the unit into another general area? Will that area see crowding and then force it to a limited draw? At some point there will be a ripple effect.

Also are there ways to mange hunter numbers with in the units? Is there some way to not block out everyone but maybe reward those who are only interested in the units in question? Like if you select unit 82 only you get 4 extra days in the unit that start before the "general" hunters can start? Is there away to have some people stagger a start?

Also I hate the argument that closing roads blocks people out! You always hear it from someone! I am too old, I can not get around! Sorry but that is a lame excuse. As hunters we all have limitations. We all have things that prevent us from hunting how we dream! Bad knees, lack of time, sorry but I sure can not climb the mountains like I did when I was 20. As a result places I used to hunt are off limits! I could not and would not expect any special access or treatment. There are still plenty of places to hunt, I just have to research and find what I need to match my ability.
I moved to Wyoming from Utah and I have lived in Nevada for a few years as well. I would fight tooth and nail against making more draw units if you want to hunt every year and have some flexibility. Yes, 82 has heavy traffic, but most of the problems that I saw on there this year were non residents on ATVs literally herding deer. Those hunters were from California.

I would support limiting non resident hunters to smaller units like 82, but as a resident I want to be able to hunt all the general units.

Limiting the number of hunters on one or two units will just push the excess hunters to other overhunted units.

Wyoming residents have it really good right now compared to other states. Less draw units, no point creep on most units, guaranteed general season tags. Heck, I took a job in Wyoming because of the hunting opportunities and quality of game animals.

Just my two bits.

I don't want to see any more draw units either. But sum thing should be done. I hunt with a older guy. He is in his 60. He can get there. It when the animal hits the ground. That's where his complaint is. He just wants to be able to use his atv. To retrieve the elk... Like I said in a early post. I don't want the point system either. Sum residents here do. Very good debate here....
Wyoming residents are committed to opportunity, it's just that most don't show up to the meetings because they are working stiffs. They will never get numbers to attend meetings. Online comments are more convenient. I can nearly gaurantee you if the warden surveyed resident camps in 82, most would favor the general hunt.

On the matter of closing roads.... mule deer need refuge/escape areas. Keeping main "arterial" roads open makes sense, but coding other roads as for "retreival only" and closing others that traverse key habitat or destroy it would allow for a decent mix of opportunity for all. The old guys can still get in and hunt, and the youngsters can hike in for all the fame and glory before it's gone. . .

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