Unit 98 elk type 1 info


Very Active Member
Hi looking for info on some Wyoming Elk units that I can draw with 1 point. So far looking at units 98 and 118. Really can't find any good info on line so looking for some on this website. 98 seems to have wilderness in the North part of the unit and 118 seems to have a few access issues. Looking at my second choice at a general unit. Would like more info about either of theses two. Thanks in advance.
No offense, but you really need to go back to the drawing board. Last year 98-1 was only a 45% draw with 2PPs, 118-1 was only a 50% draw with 7PPs and the General tag even with 1PP was only a 40.29% draw. Those are stats from the Regular Draw, as I didn't take the time to looked at the higher priced Special Draw. Also, a lot of people didn't even draw the General tag as their second choice in the Special Draw last year for the first time. All of these stats are very easily obtained by going to the G&F website and show that nothing you mentioned would be attainable this year other than a lucky shot in the Random Draw if things stay anywhere near last years numbers.
I'll be applying in the special draw so 1 point each is the approx. number. Thanks for the concern. Anyway do you know any info about these areas?
118 is diffucult. The elk hunting there is like antelope. They see you coming from 3 miles and start running. Also I don't think there are as many elk there as the G&F says there are. Especially after season starts. They run right for 100.

Pymulies is correct, the seasons aren't the same so they aren't hunted once they cross into 100 from 118. Also lots of private land issues there too.
Kerry, you are correct. 1 PP would have gotten you the 118 tag in the special draw last year. Interestingly enough it took 6 points in the Preference draw to get that tag in 2013 and 5 in 2012, etc... Its way easier to draw that tag now for several reasons. First of all, as has been said, there are small widely scattered herds of Elk - mostly on private land. The locals who have permission know where they are and its a track meet the first morning to kill them. The ones that make it head to unit 100 fast. There are enough guys that have been disapointed by that so the word has gotten around. Also in the drought years through 2013 many of those Elk migrated to the north into 24 and they don't seem to have come back (according to the WGFD biologist I spoke to). I'm not trying to be a wet blanket but I thought I'd share my research for whatever its worth... GOOD LUCK. Chip
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-16 AT 07:21AM (MST)[p]Hi,

New to the forum here.

I hunted 98 on a Type 6 tag last year in 2015.

I scouted in September for a weekend and covered a lot of ground outside of the wilderness area over 2 1/2 days. Found some good areas to hunt and on the last day we busted a group some elk while we were rushing back to the truck to catch our flight home.

I liked the area but was disappointed by the lack of access for non-residents (due to the wilderness). We hunted the first week in November and there were definitely elk where we were at but they were very heavily timbered up still. we got some snow at the end of our trip but for the most part it would warm up enough during the day to melt any accumulation that happened overnight. On the 4th day I ended up taking a cow at the exact same spot where I saw them scouting. The next day one of our party missed a great opportunity at another spot. By the end of our trip we had a pretty good idea where they were hanging out but just couldn't connect for a second one. Overall was a pretty good hunt though. We did a ton of hiking and were rewarded with some meat in the freezer for our efforts.

Someone with more knowledge can correct me here if I'm wrong but I believe 98 is considered a general unit but just has a later opener. I don't think you're guaranteed the general tag on a 2nd choice special draw anymore so it seems like you might look at drawing a general tag and hunting 98 on that if you want (unless the later dates bother you).

Also, I'm new to the forum here. I've tried to leave out any exact spots but if anyone considers this info to be to specific or anything let me know and I can edit it. Used to do a lot of fishing before I moved to TX and I know it's always a balance between being helpful and giving out too much location info.

Welcome newbie and congrats on getting your cow! Actually looking into the 2015 Final Regulations unit 98 is a General tag unit from 10/1-10/15 for any elk and then turns to an antlerless tag good from 10/16-11/20. It also has a 98-1 LQ tag that is good for any elk from 9/20-10/31, as well as 98-4 and 98-6 LQ cow/calf tags. Then from 11/21-1/31 all the unused Type 1, 4, and 6 tags are good for a cow/calf in one certain area described in the Regulations.
Thanks allot for all the good info. My interests were for the Sept 20 opener and mainly for a bull. 118 seems to be a bust but may look into 98 a little more before I decide. I like hunting in Wyoming. If you know of any guides for that area I would be interested. Thanks again.
Thanks! Was my first elk hunt and my first hunt in WY so was pretty fun.

Been hunting NM the previous years and it was a nice change not running into 1000 other hunters up there (probably due to only having a cow tag and being dumb enough to camp on the mountain in November).

What you posted sounds correct. I believe the 11/20 date is associated with the opening of the feedgrounds?

Working on figuring out my strategy for this year. Thinking of trying to land a cow tag in a quality unit and then hunting the archery season to escape the crowds and enjoy some warmer weather. Was in 98 over labor day weekend and it was beautiful up there. Hopefully get something sorted out soon!
I've hunted both 118 and 98 A LOT.....huge bulls in 118, but vary hard to find after the first hour of rifle season. 118 does have A LOT of private, but if you can track down the two main landowners they will give you a permission slip. 118 is best when bow hunted hands down, but if rifle hunting as I said the elk vanish and dont move. 118 is a hunt where you can kill a bull from the road...last time we drew there was three of us and all of our tags were filled by second day of season. I killed my bull with-in 300 yards of I-80 and he was 310-315ish. Lots of glassing and a little luck for 118.

Now 98.....well thats the tag I had in 2015. Its pretty weather dependent to bring the Elk down from 10000 plus feet. I WILL never apply for 98 again. I use to be a good tag where us residents could pack pack into the wilderness and have a good hunt. BUT....It must be the "DIY Backcountry" fad we have upon us, because I have never seen that many people back in 98! And I will never hunt it with a 98 tag again...way way way too much pressure during the opening!!! And we were pack way back in the Wilderness....so if you can imagine the pressure back in the wilderness....just imagine the pressure at the trailhead off of the wilderness. My two cents...being a Wyoming Native you would be better off having a regular General Elk tag or 118 over area 98!

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J & J Outfitters

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