Unit 93 Wyoming rookies....


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-13 AT 03:46PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-13 AT 03:45?PM (MST)

My oldest son, his best buddy, and myself drew Unit 93-1 rifle tags. This is the first antelope tag for each of us, though I have a younger boy who has killed 3 in Idaho, so I am not too green. We are heading up Oct 11th-14th in search of respectable antelope to tag.

I have been planning on looking at some of the ground in the NE corner of the unit, to the East of Miller Mtn. Thought is to try and see if we can get to know that country and visit it every other year or three for some combo of deer/elk/antelope. I have two younger boys to with some points.

So is this an OK idea, or am I better hunting farther south in more "goat" like country and then head NE to scout out the deer/elk opportunites? I think anything over 13" with decent cutters and shape will be potential targets, though I think the first AM or maybe day we would glass a bunch to see what we are finding and maybe set sights higher if warranted.

Anyway, I heard it's a good unit, though it has had some winter kill issues a few years past 20 2-3 year old goats may be in short supply.

Any feedback/advice would be appreciated and PM's are great. Happy to help on some info for Central Idaho, Unit 73 Idaho, and even N Idaho whitetails if you find that useful.


Same time as the Rifle DEER hunts going on in that unit...so the lopes will be scattered and on edge a the sight of people/hunters. Also that late and if weather changes to rain/snow/rain, the area around there is unbearable to travel with out all 4s chained up. I was just north of there 2 weeks ago and we had some rain and the roads were slick, so be prepared.

I used to hunt this area for goats and deer all the time growing up . We hunted on Ford Hill quite a bit for antelope and deer. The deer hunting had gotten pretty light the last few years, though this was in 93-96.

There are many quality goats in the area, finding a few over 13 shouldn't be a huge problem I wouldn't think. The deer might have come back, there used to be quite a few nice 4 points in the area, we never saw anything larger than a 4x4 though some were quite wide 24-28.

The roads can get very nasty as its mostly Wyoming clay, they get worse as you get closer to La Barge creek.
Just got back quality/quantity is better in the Northern part of the unit. Numbers are down from past years but plenty of good goats. Make sure you have a GPS/maps to show private. Mud can be a concern. Great unit, great fun!
Thanks guys. So other than weather and roads, the north part is good for goats and not bad to scout for deer then. I have 2 sets of chains at all times in my truck. We can bring 2 quads also, which may help.

I figured we would cover as much country and glass the first day, but assume the big flats above the river bottoms with be a good place to focus?

Is any of that country decent for driving and hunting if we get some rains just prior or during our hunt? As I said, we do not have to hunt the north end.
South end of Commissary ridge is good for deer and antelope. Area south of Labarge creek is also very good for both as well.
I hunted 93 about 5 years ago around the 8th of October and hunted 93 another time with a friend on opening day couple years before that. I have hunted a few other units in Wyoming as well.
Honestly it would be hard to make the hunt last longer than 1/2 hour if you will shoot the 1st 13" buck you have a good shot at. It wouldn't be hard for all 3 of you to tag out on 13" bucks in less than an hour. Take some time to look around before you pull the trigger. I don't have a picture of my unit 93 buck right now but here is one from another unit in Wyoming. You should all be able to get one at least this big if not bigger.



Send me a PM and I could give you more information.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-13 AT 08:32AM (MST)[p]I would advise you to hunt farther south in the unit for goats. Worry about the deer and elk later. Deer season will be winding down and elk opens the 15th. You'll be encountering lots of 2-legged predators. With only 4 days to hunt, concentrate on goats this time. Just my opinion, but it sounds like you might be trying to cram in too much in a short time frame. I think you guys could all kill very nice goats if you concentrate on that. If you all kill your goats in a couple or 3 days, then maybe head north and take a look. I have hunted 93 a few times and 2 of my lope mounts came from 93. Both score high 70's and have horns measuring 14 1/2 and over 15. I think you guys could find this quality of animal(or better) if you concentrate on hunting goats on your 4 days. If you want more info, PM me.

Don't waste a great tag that you've been waiting to draw for years by trying to do too much.
This is exactly the kind of honest advice I would like to hear from anyone that has experience in this unit and an opinion.

With only 2 weeks a year to take for hunting purposes, it's hard to dedicate too many day's, but if it's worthwhile we can spend and extra day or two. Don't get me wrong, I intend to look over a lot of goats before killing one, but I am not a looking for a book buck by any means. I keep hearing to look for Mass and Cutters. Of course some times you just see one you want!

Any general area's farther south to start. On the antelop hunts I've been on here in Idaho, we typically look for high points to glass from and just cover ground until we get to know an area and where they tend to concentrate. I will have the land status GPS chip with me.

Thanks again, and I will say again i appreciate PM's if you prefer not to publicize info.
We'll we filled all 3 tags, which was harder than we thought it would be. We stayed focused north of the Fontenelle Res Campground, which was base camp. Had to get high into the mountains to find most of the goats.

My goat. 15.25" on the longest side. Rough scored 75. Has more mass than this photo shows.


All 3 goats. The other 2 were solid 13" goats, with good cutters and mass. The man in the middle, Matt, is on MM and did a great job filling a last minute tag and was a lot of fun to hunt with. We are crappy photographers...


This is my oldest son Justin, he is an AFC stationed in Wichita Falls, Tx. It was great to get a week to hunt with him. He made a great one shot kill and had no problem carrying a whole boned antelope a mile and a half to the truck, unlike his dad. PS he is 6'4" so he makes his goat look small...



We worked pretty hard to fill these, but when we drove home to Idaho south to Kemmerer and then north around the west side of the unit I think we could have filled 100 tags from the highway alone.

So my advice to others willing to spend the points to hunt 93, don't spend all your time in one small area...

Hardly saw any deer or elk except in hayfields, but saw a bunch of moose in the hills with these goats.

Thanks to all those that offered advice, wether we listened or not. It's great to learn new places. Can't wait to get back to the Cowboy state.
Very nice job. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.


"My only regret in life is setting my goals too low"
Well, now that I have finished elk and deer hunting here in Idaho and can reflect back on my season I really really enjoyed the Wyoming antelope experience with the boys. Hopefully we can get back every other year or so for the next few years(2 other son's with 3 and 4 points respectively), and in the meantime we can get to know deer and elk opportunities to burn our points there. I really appreciate what Wyoming has to offer a guy from Idaho and really appreciate the Wyoming residents that put up with us NR's.

For those who are doing internet research in later seasons and come across this post, feel free to PM me to discuss where and when to hunt this unit.

My Unit 93 Buck from 2013.


Green Scores 77" even. 15.25" Length, 6.5" bases, 5" prong, and while it doesn't impact score, he also has 16.5" width.

Great hunt, thanks again Wyo, see you again next year.
Congrats on that beautiful Buck and a great mount to boot Brian.
We will be going to Wyo this year for Elk and not Lope UNLESS we get really lucky in the draws coming up later this summer.

Yes, nice mount. Your taxidermist actually has a clue on mounting pronghorn. Who was it?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-14 AT 04:56PM (MST)[p]bpk, isnt that private property in your bottom picture? owned by tom thrash? i too held that tag last year and i used to go into that same spot years ago with my dad until all the metal fence post were put up claiming private. i have yet to look on a blm map
>AT 04:56?PM (MST)

>bpk, isnt that private property in
>your bottom picture? owned by
>tom thrash? i too held
>that tag last year and
>i used to go into
>that same spot years ago
>with my dad until all
>the metal fence post were
>put up claiming private. i
>have yet to look on
>a blm map

***Don't you think it would have been better to ask that in a PM, rather than insinuating out on this thread with no proof that the guy was trespassing?
Nope, I had my 2013 landowner chip with me and we made sure to stay clear of the private sections. There were some in the area, but these were shot on public ground.

We did have to walk around a few private sections, seemed odd coming from idaho to have to rely on a GPS instead of a actual fencing and/or signs, especially for small sections in the middle of no where.
I always thought that main road was a public access, it wasnt until last year i saw all those green t post with a tiny private property symbols. It must be checkerboarded in that area i take it? Im thru with hunting antelope simply just to focus more on elk so i doubt i will ever travel thru that area again. my bad if i offened you, i wasnt calling you out simply asking i didnt know that is was checkerboard i just knew for miles in either direction i glassed those posts up, i assumed it was one giant piece.

topgun, are you the message board ethics police? Sorry i dont spend near the amount of time on a computer as do you. So im not keen on the anthropolitical norms of a internet troll.
I was asking if mr thrash owned that property. Not accusing anyone of trespassing. For all i knew its not his property or is and permission was granted. you are the one insinuating i insinuatated. so do me a favor mind your your own business. ive reread what i posted twice and no insinuation was ever made. ive shadowed these forums along time and you sir do like to stir the pot
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-14 AT 09:34PM (MST)[p]Sorry you got your panties in a wad, but there was no need whatsover to come back at me on here in TWO different posts when you could have also sent me a PM just like you could have to the OP! What you wrote and what it looked like your intention was in your mind appeared to be different in mine and still does. If anyone was stirring the pot on a thread where we were just commenting on the great hunt the OP and his partners had it was YOU! Maybe you just need to go back to "shadowing" if your skin is that thin!
Lostoutwest, don't worry too much about ole topgun. He does like to stir the pot. If there is any opening at all, he'll dive right in there...
I didn't see anything offensive in your post at all, and I'm betting BPK didn't, either. Did you get a pm from him yet?

Great looking mount, BPK!!
Honestly I wasn't sure if the question was a shot or not, but I remember walking around any white and having my GPS with me the whole time. Don't remember any specific landowners names anyway. Most of the private, and the goats were down in the bottoms next to the hayfields, but we ignored those.

BTW, the taxi is here in SW Idaho. Imperial Taxidermy, run by Mitch Sanchotena and his young(highly regarded) protege Nathan Denardi, who always treat me well. If you like the Antelope you should see what they can do with a Predator, they are awesome.

>Lostoutwest, don't worry too much about
>ole topgun. He does like
>to stir the pot. If
>there is any opening at
>all, he'll dive right in
>I didn't see anything offensive in
>your post at all, and
>I'm betting BPK didn't, either.
>Did you get a pm
>from him yet?
>Great looking mount, BPK!!

Talk about someone who likes to stir the pot and jump in every chance you get if you think you can get a rise out of someone! Please read the followup post by BKP, as he says he didn't know how to take that post either, so just maybe I wasn't too far off in my analysis! Anyway, you got your two cents in, so I guess you're happy!

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