Unit 90 deer


Does anyone know much about unit 90 for mule deer? Trophy quality, hunting pressure, deer herd? Any information would be appreciated?
Hard hunt for trophy deer, but they are there! Pressure isn't to bad because it's a draw area. Plenty of smaller to respectable bucks. With work and time a 180 class deer is a possibility!!!
I saw a 190+ class deer out there last fall while antelope hunting. Don't ask me where, because I'll be looking for it myself if I draw the tag. I will say the deer density is extremely low. I hunted and scouted goats out that way 13 - 14 days and only saw a handful of deer the entire time. I'd also say a 180 class deer is a possibility in many areas if yer willing to put in the work and time...
Good example of an area where the deer are in specific areas. Get into the right areas and you will find deer and vice versa. Good thing about the area is the looong season. If you have the time, could be a good hunt.
Hunted 90 in 2009. Fun hunt. PM if you have some questions. Would love to have the tag again, but were out of the point pool.
It's a very good hunt, not lots of deer but there sure are a few whoppers. With Eastmans and Huntin Fool writing it up, they have made it a much harder draw.
>It's a very good hunt, not
>lots of deer but there
>sure are a few whoppers.
> With Eastmans and Huntin
>Fool writing it up, they
>have made it a much
>harder draw.

Just curious how many times you have hunted this area?
180-190+ bucks??? LMAO show me one net book buck outta 90 in the last 20 years. Fun hunt? Yes, but it doesn't have the genetics to grow great scoring deer. You gotta lot better chance of killing a big deer in g, h, k, d, etc...

I think a good hunter could possibly kill a 170s buck with a lot of hard work and luck. Most guys are gonna shoot 140-160 bucks.

"Dear MacGuyver, Enclosed is a rubber band, a paper clip, and a drinking straw. Please save my dog." Peter Griffin aka The Family Guy
>180-190+ bucks??? LMAO show me one
>net book buck outta 90
>in the last 20 years.
>Fun hunt? Yes, but it
>doesn't have the genetics to
>grow great scoring deer. You
>gotta lot better chance of
>killing a big deer in
>g, h, k, d, etc...
>I think a good hunter could
>possibly kill a 170s buck
>with a lot of hard
>work and luck. Most guys
>are gonna shoot 140-160 bucks.

Here ya go!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-12 AT 10:21AM (MST)[p]It's a friends deer, as I said it is a tough area for 180" deer, but possible... I have taken several mid 170" deer... My brother shot one right at 178" this past season and missed a bigger one earlier in the hunt... Fun area to hunt!!! I think it was 4 or 5 years ago... The draw is as tough as the hunt!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-12 AT 10:20PM (MST)[p]Sweet buck. I'd be happy with it and I'd shoot it. Congrats.

I'm sticking by it's a 140-160 type hunt. It's a better experience type hunt than a big buck hunt, but hey 95% of guys out there would be happy with a legit 140-160 buck.

"Dear MacGuyver, Enclosed is a rubber band, a paper clip, and a drinking straw. Please save my dog." Peter Griffin aka The Family Guy
I keep going back and forth on 102 or 90, 102 or 90.....

Tons of public in 102.....

Depends on my elk results.....

Nice buck your buddy got!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-12 AT 07:46AM (MST)[p]From what I see it's not just 90 suffering in the state, it's everywhere! Trust me I don't want people hunting area 90. My family has been hunting it for over 40 years and I personally have for over 25 years. As a group we have taken 10 bucks in the 180" range and one over 200" non-typical. All of these bucks were taken in the last 15 years. So it's taken time and a lot of luck. It can be done!!! Like it was said most people are gonna be stoked with a 160- 170" deer. I seen one this winter out lion hunting that will go 190". They don't get big being stupid. So far winter hasn't been to harsh. That's why I don't have a problem telling people to go hunt it, because it is so tough. Now if your'e looking for a respectable buck that is pretty easy with a little time. Good luck to everyone!!!

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